Best Team In Cookie Run: Kingdom – November 2022

Looking for best team in Cookie Run: Kingdom? Then check this out.

Cookie Run: Kingdom is a popular RPG game that also involves tower defense. To defend the tower or your kingdom players have to build the best team using all the cookies that they have unlocked so far or that are available in the game. There are over 50+ cookies in the game with a special and unique set of skills that can be combined and made the best team possible in Cookie Run: Kingdom to fight with all the enemies.

Read this article and learn about the best teams in the game and build your strongest team to win all the matches.

Top 3 Best Teams Of Cookie Run: Kingdom

As we mentioned earlier, there are over 50+ cookies in the game and this might leave one in confusion while building their best teams. Therefore, to make it easier we have divided teams according to their abilities. Scroll down and read about the best teams divided according to their skills and abilities and get the best out of them

1. Attack Team

Best Team In Cookie Run: Kingdom

Arrange the cookies in the following order to make the best attacking team in Cookie Run: Kingdom:  Tea knight and Strawberry crepe cookie in the front, Eclair and Sorbet shark cookie in the middle, and Pure Vanilla cookie at the rear position. Strawberry and Tea Knight cookies are best at dealing damage whereas Eclaiiir is the best supporting cookie that making it the best combination altogether.

2. Defense Team

Best Team In Cookie Run: Kingdom

To make the best defense team in Cookie Run: Kingdom, place your cookies in the following order: Place Hollyberry and Strawberry crepe cookies in the front as they are best at defending the attacks by the enemies. In the middle of the squad place Frost Queen and Sea Fairy Cookie to defend against the attacks and place the Cotton cookie at the end. This combination of the cookies is the best when it comes to the best defensive team in the game.

3. Balanced Team

Best Team In Cookie Run: Kingdom

A balanced team has both attacking and defending skills in equal ratio. Hence select the cookies that have both the skills and abilities to get the best out of them. Unlock and arrange GingerBrave and Kumiho cookies in the front as they are good at dealing maximum damage by finishing all the enemies on their way. Put the legendary Sea Fairy and Frost Queen cookie in the middle to get the best support as they have a good cool-down rate. And place Almond cookie at the rear as it has this special skill to use handcuffs on all the enemies and lock them up.

This is everything you need to know about the best team in Cookie Run: Kingdom.