Does Tribes Of Midgard Supports Split Screen?

Tribes of Midgard is a new multiplayer co-op game. Let's see if players can play Tribes of Midgard in split screen.

Tribes of Midgard is the latest online RPG rage amongst players. The game follows a simple 10 player co-op format where you have to team up and defend your village. Given the game can have up to 10 players in co-op many players are wondering if the Tribes of Midgard supports split-screen. Let’s see if Tribes of Midgard supports split-screen.

Also Read | How To Play Tribes Of Midgard In Co-op mode with friends

Does Tribes Of Midgard Support Split Screen?

The short answer is No, Tribes of Midgard doesn’t support split-screen. The game follows a top-down view. Players won’t need a split-screen as you can almost all of the 10 players at once. Tribes of Midgard blends the multiplayer genre with the looming threat of survival very well. Given that the game is co-op multiplayer many players expected it would support split-screen but it is not very necessary as the game is in a top-down view.

Players can match with random players or play with their friends as well. When you start the game you will automatically be matched with random online players.

To play with your friends you will have to create a room and invite them. The only prerequisite is your friends should have Tribe of Midgard downloaded and you will be able to invite them. If you are not in a private room you will be matched with online players and will have to play with a team of 10.

In case you are just starting in the game, it is recommended that you play with your friends in a private room until you honor your skills. All you have to do is protect the tree at the center of the village. The task might sound easy but the variety of weapon combinations adds another layer to the game.

Now you know that Tribes of Midgard doesn’t support split-screen. Do check out our article to know how to activate Bifrost in Tribes of Midgard.