Tribes of Midgard is an action-adventure survival game where the primary aim is to last till the end of the game while expanding your base. It’s a Story-driven open-ended survival game. You can play this game alone or you can also enjoy it with your 9 other friends in a team.
Bifrost is the rainbow bridge that connects you to Asgard. In the Tribes Of Midgard, Bifrost is a Building structure that will help players to save their Golden Horns and save them from total destruction.
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How to activate Bifrost in Tribes of Midgard
Bifrost is the most important structure of the game which you can activate at the beginning of the game. Apart from Bifrost, there are many more structures in Tribes of Midgard which players should know about.
Bifrost is built near the primary base of the map. To activate it, you need to survive for 3 Days by fighting with few enemies at night. Once you defeat the giant, you can move towards the Bifrost structure which contains Silver polygon stones. Activate it and enjoy the game.
What to do with Bifrost?
Once you activate Bifrost, place it in a location where you can end your run and save your earned Golden horns.
In the Tribes of Midgard, you might come across an enemy that you know you can’t defeat. In such a situation, if you could just place Bifrost on the location and manage to end your run then you can save yourself and your Golden Horns in the game.
That’s all you need to know about Tribes of Midgard Bifrost. If you liked this article go have a look at another article on How to get Golden Eggs in Tribes Of Midgard.