This game is nothing but a sequel to Persona 5 with a twist. Unlike conventional turned RPG, the game takes a radically different approach to its gameplay. It’s a perfect blend of Persona and Musou featuring large forces of enemies at the very same time insisting that you stop utilizing your person to attack them.
Since you prefer to read this article you must be familiar with the game’s narrative arc so without further ado let’s head straight to the Persona 5 Strikers trophy guide and described below.
Table of Contents
Persona 5 Strikers Trophy
Before starting with the guide on Persona 5 Strikers trophy let’s go through its roadmap.
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Persona 5 Strikers Trophy Roadmap 2022
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4/10
- Approximate time to platinum: 40-50 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 47 (1, 3, 6, 37)
- Total missable trophies: 2 (What are Friends For? + Master Chef)
- Glitched trophies: None
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Partially – All the Jails but NOT the cities!
- Release Date: February 2020 in Japanese, July 2020 in Korean and Traditional Chinese, February 19, 2021, for the rest of the regions.
Finally, we will get started with the guide on Persona 5 Strikers trophy.
Persona 5 Strikers Trophy Guide
To grab all the trophies you must complete the following steps first.
Step 1: Play through the game while doing all the side quests as well as grinding points.
Step 2: Endgame, unlock New Game Plus & Persona Compendium as well.
Step 3: Get started with New Game Plus.
Once you are done with the above 3 steps, see the table below to learn how to collect each trophy.
Persona 5 Strikers Trophy List
Trophy | Name | How to Obtain | Note |
1. Platinum | True Phantom Thief | Earn all trophies | DSL not required bronze |
2. Bronze | Cage of Lust Closed | Clear Shibuya Jail | Unmissable story-related trophy |
3. Bronze | Cage of Vanity Conquered | Clear Sendai Jail | Unmissable story-related trophy |
4. Bronze | Cage of Gluttony Torched | Clear Sapporo Jail | Unmissable story-related trophy |
5. Bronze | Cage of Desolation Condemned | Clear Okinawa Jail | Unmissable story-related trophy |
6. Bronze | Cage of Wrath Collapsed | Clear Kyoto Jail | Unmissable story-related trophy |
7. Bronze | Cage of Arrogance Cracked | Clear Osaka Jail | Unmissable story-related trophy |
8. Bronze | Humanity’s Companion | Clear Abyss Jail | Unmissable story-related trophy |
9. Silver | Walk Your Own Path | Clear Tree of Life and Wisdom | Unmissable story-related trophy |
10. Bronze | Back in Business | Reform the Phantom Thieves | Unmissable story-related trophy |
11. Bronze | Farewell to the Past | Awaken Wolf‘s Persona | Unmissable story-related trophy |
12. Bronze | A Newfound Heart | Awaken Sophia‘s heart | Unmissable story-related trophy |
13. Bronze | It’s Showtime! | Activate Showtime | – |
14. Bronze | Seeker of Power | Use Incense | – |
14. Bronze | Unshakeable Teamwork | Perform a total of 150 All Out Attacks | – |
16. Bronze | Know Your Enemy | Use Skills that inflict “Weak” 300 times | – |
17. Bronze | Phantom Striker | Defeat 200 enemies using Phantom Dash | – |
18. Bronze | All That Glitters | Defeat 10 Treasure Demons | – |
19. Silver | Death Defied | Defeat the Reaper | – |
20. Bronze | Mask Connoisseur | Attain 100% Persona Compendium registration rate (Velvet Room) | – |
21. Bronze | Best Friend | Reach max level with one Bond skill | – |
22. Gold | Eternal Bonds | Reach max level with all Bond skills | – |
23. Bronze | Eye For Talent | Use Persona Points to enhance Persona parameters | – |
24. Bronze | Knife in the Dark | Perform an ambush 50 times | – |
25. Silver | Best of the Best | Reach at least level 70 with all Phantom Thieves members | – |
26. Bronze | What Are Friends For? | Clear all special requests of Phantom Thieves members | Missable Trophy |
27. Bronze | Who Dares Wins | Defeated a Dire Shadow | – |
28. Silver | The Most Daring of All | Defeat all Dire Shadows | – |
29. Bronze | Ultimate Trump Card | Unlock all Joker Master Arts | – |
30. Bronze | Jolly Roger | Unlock all Skull Master Arts | – |
31. Bronze | Gentleman Thief | Unlock all Mona Master Arts | – |
32. Bronze | Flame Dancer | Unlock all Panther Master Arts | – |
33. Bronze | Peerless Blade | Unlock all Fox Master Arts | – |
34. Bronze | Fist of Justice | Unlock all Queen Master Arts | – |
35. Bronze | Sophisticated Lady | Unlock all Noir Master Arts | – |
36. Bronze | Technological Marvel | Unlock all Sophie Master Arts | – |
37. Bronze | Repentant Fang | Unlock all Wolf Master Arts | – |
38. Gold | Master Thieves | Unlock all Master Arts | – |
39. Bronze | A Helping Hand | Clear a Request | – |
40. Silver | Those Who Heed the Call | Clear 50 Requests | – |
41. Bronze | Item Sweeper | Find 200 items in the Jail | – |
42. Bronze | Short Order Cook | Cook for the first time. | Do not miss |
43. Bronze | Master Chef | Cook 12 Kinds of Dishes | Missable Trophy |
44. Bronze | Impulse Buyer | Purchase a limited item | – |
45. Bronze | A Little Memento | Get a Camper Van Interior Design | – |
46. Bronze | Treasure Hunter | Open treasure chest 50 times | – |
47. Gold | No Looking Back | Start an NG+ on Merciless difficulty | – |
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Instructions For Each Persona 5 Strikers Trophy
Sr. No | Trophy | Instructions |
1 | True Phantom Thief | Win all of the other trophies in Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers to access Platinum |
2 | Cage of Lust Closed | – |
3 | Cage of Vanity Conquered | – |
4 | Cage of Gluttony Torched | – |
5 | Cage of Desolation Condemned | – |
6 | Cage of Wrath Collapsed | – |
7 | Cage of Arrogance Cracked | – |
8 | Humanity’s Companion | – |
9 | Walk Your Own Path | – |
10 | Back in Business | – |
11 | Farewell to the Past | – |
12 | A Newfound Heart | – |
13 | It’s Showtime! | The first trophy that you will unlock in the game. Once it appears on the screen :circle: + :triangle:to activate powerful showtime |
14 | Seeker of Power | Receive Incense as a reward for certain requests and use in your item list to strengthen your character’s SP/HP or your personas |
15 | Unshakeable Teamwork | Let your enemy hit weakness and enter dizzy mode, then press :circle: to trigger an All-Out Attack. Perform it 150 times, hitting multiple enemies with an attack only counts as one. |
16 | Know Your Enemy | Don’t just hit the same boss over and over again with his weakness. Make sure to go for weaknesses as much as possible. |
17 | Phantom Striker | Activate Phantom dashes moves with a triangle: while interacting with objects like lamps, skateboards, chandeliers, etc. Kill 200 enemies with those assaults. |
18 | All That Glitters | You get 30 seconds to defeat the treasure demons that appear as red jewels in jail. |
19 | Death Defied | Defeat the reaper to unlock the New Game+ in this game. To fight the reaper: 1. Finish the main story 2. Defeat all the story bosses in a rematch through the requests 3. Defeat all the sub-bosses you will get a request for 4. Defeat all the bosses in a second rematch 5. Fight the Reaper in the Okinawa Jail |
20 | Mask Connoisseur | – |
21 | Best Friend | See next trophy. |
22 | Eternal Bonds | This will be one of the last trophies on your way to platinum. Collect as many bond points as you can to level up the skills. |
23 | Eye For Talent | Use Persona Points to level up your Personas in a Valvet room. Later, in the game, you will unlock the ability to level each persona parameter individually. This is what the Eye For Talent trophy demands. |
24 | Knife in the Dark | While traversing through Jails, hide behind your enemy and press :triangle: for a sneak attack. Perform 50 times for the trophy. |
25 | Best of the Best | Repeating the strong enemy request in Sendai Jail (Fighting Seth) gives you 10,000 XP. Repeat this endlessly and you have to get ALL team members to level 70 for this. |
26 | What Are Friends For? | Talk with your friends daily and finish their requests quickly. They will sometimes require other requests to progress. |
27 | Who Dares Wins | Dire Shadows are enemies encircled by lightning that can be found in every palace. They’re very strong so don’t bother with them on your first trip to the prison. Return back for them once you have a high level (even after the final boss). Once you attack your first one, you will win the trophy. |
28 | The Most Daring of All | There are 8 Dire Shadows to attack as the game has 8 Jails (1 per jail). Don’t end up beating them right away and come back for them at the end of the game. They’re often near to one of the jail checkpoints so they’re not tough to locate. |
29 | Ultimate Trump Card | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
30 | Jolly Roger | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
31 | Gentleman Thief | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
32 | Flame Dancer | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
33 | Peerless Blade | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
34 | Fist of Justice | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
35 | Sophisticated Lady | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
36 | Technological Marvel | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
37 | Repentant Fang | See “Skilled Thieves” below. |
38 | Master Thieves | Each character can unlock 4 skills/combos by filling up 4 progress bars. After filling all 4 bars with each character you will get the trophy. |
39 | A Helping Hand | You will get 1st request during jail |
40 | Those Who Heed the Call | – |
41 | Item Sweeper | Collect all the floating cubes inside the jail. |
42 | Short Order Cook | Your first dish will be cooked automatically |
43 | Master Chef | Visit every shop in each city to buy things for 12 dish recipes.
Leblanc Coffee – Story event |
44 | Impulse Buyer | Sophia will be your shop and access her shop in your RV. Buy any item on sale for the trophy. |
45 | A Little Memento | Clear your friend’s request and talk with them daily to receive a gift. This will gift you a trophy. |
46 | Treasure Hunter | Find the lootable treasure chests in the game. In later Jails chests asks you to get the lockpicking BAND Skill to open them. Chests reappear on revisiting Jails, so you can get almost 50 of them. |
47 | No Looking Back | Defeat the reaper and save the game. While reloading the game, you’ll be asked if you’d like to begin a new game + run. Click Yes and choose the Merciless Difficulty to win the trophy, unlock it as fast as the NG+ starts running. Now quit the game and reload your save again and play with easier difficulty instead of cleanup in NG+ |
That’s the exhaustive guide on Persona 5 Strikers trophy. Hope you grab them all!