Do not worry, your cat is safe to go outside in Undawn. However, it is not a matter of safety here, small pets are not allowed to go outside without a pet care box in the game. But we have found one of the quickest and best ways to make it work for you and your furry friend.
How to Take Cat Outside in Undawn
You can take your pet cat outside its pet room by fast clicking on the “Take Out” option in the Manage Pets menu. By doing this you will be able to interact with them and take them on a walk. You will also be able to purchase food for them from the Market’s Pet section.
A lot of players find it difficult to switch between the Take Out option and fast-click on it. But you have to first select a dog in the Manange Pet Menu and then you have to switch profile immediately to a cat and tap on the Take Out option. It will hardly take you two to three tries to achieve this.
By taking your cat outside you can also increase your friendship level with your pet. Taking a dog outside is much more simpler than taking a cat as you can take big pets outside. You can also summon your cat and dog in the car and take them for a drive.
You can further check out this guide on how to get pets in Undawn. Before we end this article here are the kinds of cats you can equip and take outside –
- Sansan – Calico cat with black, orange, and white fur.
- Milk Candy – White domesticated cat.
- Miracle – Blackhouse cat
- The Count – Shorthair grey cat
- Little Tiger – Leopard cat with spots.
This was all on how to take your cat outside. If you are looking for more helpful guides on Undawn, you can check out how to get Guitar Emote in Garena Undawn.