There are two types of Raid groups in Pokemon GO: private and public. In public, any random Trainer or player can join and leave as they please. This situation might leave you at a disadvantage. And it might also be possible that your lobby will become full of them, and your friends will get left behind when the game automatically matches the group. So to avoid that, you can create or join a Private Raid in Pokemon GO.
Pokemon GO: How to Join Private Raid
There is no limit to Trainers joining a raid, but only 20 players can be in one group at a time. So, when there are many players around you, the chances of getting matched with them rather than your friend group becomes high. Follow these steps to join Private Raid.
- Open your game and go to the Nearby window.
- Now go to the Raid tab and choose the Raid you wish to join.
- You can enter the lobby remotely with an invitation sent by your friend.
- When your friends send you an invite, you will get them through push notification if your game is in the background or closed. But, if you are inside the app, you will receive an in-game notification.
- Once you have joined the Gym using any of the above-mentioned methods. You will see a big Battle button. Below that button is the option “Private Group“. Tap on it.
- Now, type the password provided by your team member or friend. It uses Pokemon icons as a password, just like numbers. For example, a password would be something like Bulbasaur, Charmander, Bulbasaur.
- After typing the code, hit the “GO” button.
- Now, you will see a new message “Successfully joined a group!“. Hit Ok.
- Choose your party and wait for the battle to commence.
This is all you need to do to join Private Raid in Pokemon GO. Hopefully, this was helpful. If it was, then also check out how to attack faster and how to accept remote Raid invites.