It has been more than 10 years since Terraria was launched for Microsoft Windows but the popularity of the game seems to rise with each passing day. The only reason why tons of gamers still love Terraria is it lets you customize the server as you want. What helps players the most while exploring the aspect of Terraria is Console Commands.
Unlike other world-building games, setting up a server in Terraria is super easy. Once you know the process, you can bring friends into a persistent world that you can return to as many times as you want.
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In order to make it more fun and entertaining, we have compiled a list of Terraria console commands. For the unversed, players are required to host a server to use the following Terraria console commands.
Terraria Command Line Parameters
When you host a server in Terraris for the very first time, you can use the following commands to customize the server as you want.
- -config — It shows a specific configuration file to use
- -port — It shows a specific port to listen on
- -players OR – maxplayers — it sets a maximum number of players
- -pass OR -password — It gives a password to your server
- -motd — It sets your server’s message of the day
- -world — It loads and automatically launches a world
- -autocreate — It creates a world if none is specified. The number defines the size. 1 is small, 2 is medium, 3 is large
- -banlist — It specifies the server’s banlist .txt file location
- -worldname — It sets the world’s name when auto-created
- -secure — It adds cheat protection
- -noupnp — It turns off the universal plug and plays
- -steam — It adds Steam support
- -lobby or — It shows whether friends can join the server
Terraria Console Commands 2022
While hosting a server in Terraria, you can use the following Console Commands to change numerous parameters.
- help — It opens up a command list
- playing — It loads a list of players currently playing on the server. You can also type /playing in chat to see the same effect.
- clear — It clears the console window
- exit — It saves and shut down the server
- exit-nosave — It shuts down the server without saving
- save — It saves the game world
- kick — It kicks someone off the server
- ban — It bans someone from joining the server
- password — It shows the server password
- password — It changes the server password
- version — It shows the version number
- time — It shows the current game time
- port — It shows the listening port
- maxplayers — It shows the maximum number of players allowed
- say — it sends a message to all players in yellow text from the server name
- motd — It shows the message of the day
- motd — It changes the message of the day
- dawn — It sets the time to 4:30 AM
- noon — It sets the time to 12:00 PM
- dusk — It sets the time to 7:30 PM
- midnight — It sets the time to 12:00 AM
- settle — It settles all water in the game world
That’s everything you need to know about Terraria Console Commands.