Ziplines are a way to reach places that are difficult to climb which is why you must know how to repair and use them in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. There are a few broken Ziplines on the island and if they are not fixed, players may not be able to access certain locations. The other way could be through increasing your Stamina, but repairing it makes things much easier.
How to Repair and Use Ziplines in Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Step 1 – Meet Pochacco
You will require some crafting to do, to repair and use the Ziplines in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. To get started, talk to Pochacco, at the Seaside Resort. He will give you A Zipline Adventure quest. Then follow him to meet Chococat at his tent at Seaside Resort.
Step 2 – Meet Chococat
Chococat will share the idea of getting some Spark to get the Zipline running. He will then give you the Crafting Plans for Spark.
Step 3 – Craft Spark
With that, you will have to start crafting the Spark using, 3x Light Stone. Kuromi helps you get the Light Stone when you give her gifts. Then go to Chococat’s crafting bench and make Spark for our Zipline.
Step 4 – Repair Zipline
Now visit the Seaside Resort Zipline with Chococat and Pochacco. Once you interact with the Zipline it gets activated as you have Spark in your inventory.
This is how you repair Ziplines. Once activated you have to go near it and use it to reach the other side. In the meantime, when you gather all the resources for it, you can use Golden Stamina Apples to climb huge mountains and rocks.
This was all on how to repair and use Ziplines. If you found this article helpful, you can also check out how to swim and dive in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.