Borderlands 3 is known for keeping players on the tenterhooks with fresh new content. Recently, the game released Arms Race with the Designer’s cut. It is a new stand-alone game more and is the 5th DLC pack. While it is a part of season pass 2, players can also opt to buy it individually.
It contains an Arms Race with an additional skill tree for each of the Vault Hunters. Borderlands 3 Arms Race contains a number of new legendary weapons. Gearbox Software added new legendary items to Arms Race in 2022. Let us take a look at Borderlands 3: Arms Race Legendary Weapons List to know more about these weapons:
Table of Contents
Borderlands 3 Arms Race Legendary Weapon List
1. Beskar
A legendary shield made by Anshin in Borderlands 3. It is a Designer’s Cut exclusive and players can get it from any suitable loot source. However, there is an increased chance of finding it in the Arms Race.
2. Binary Operator
A legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands 3. It is manufactured by Maliwan and is an exclusive Designer’s Cut DLC. Players can get it from any suitable loot source at Stormblind Complex during Arms Race mode. The interesting thing about this rifle is that if the damage is more than the enemy’s health, it will kill instantly. However, if the damage is less than the enemy’s health, it will deal 2 damage. This rifle needs to be charged before use.
3. Boogeyman
A legendary sniper rifle manufactured by Vladof. This DLC exclusive item can be obtained from any suitable loot source at Stormblind Complex. This sniper has a chance to spawn a skull every time players kill an enemy.
4. Clockwork Res
A Legendary Pistol that fires a single projectile. It can be used to heal or revive allies. The revival ability takes 30 seconds to cooldown. Players can revive NPCs like the crew of Sanctuary III and grant health to FL4K’s pets, Moze’s Iron Bear, and Zane’s Digi-Clone. However, if Moze uses the Res and has the Cloud of Lead skill, the incendiary shot will harm allies.
5. Critical Thug
A legendary shotgun manufactured by Torgue that is exclusive to the Designer’s Cut DLC. This legendary shotgun has a massive 200% critical hit damage bonus. In addition, Critical hits ricochet to nearby enemies causing bonus damage. It also has high splash damage.
6. Dark Army
An assault rifle that summons drones to help players. The summoned drones can be quite useful in battle as they fire at enemies and assist the player. These drones will also gain increased damage after reload. This legendary gun has been manufactured by Tediore.
7. Deathrattle
Manufactured by Eridian, Deathrattle is a legendary artifact that can grant up to three random bonuses that can buff health, shield stats, weapons stats, or elemental resistance and damage. After Fight For Your Life ends, players will get a second wind with +30% weapon damage and +30% fire rate. It has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
8. Firefly
Firefly is one of the Arms Race Legendary Weapons. It is an automatic pistol that shoots fireflies at the enemies. These fireflies hatch babies on the enemies when they are hit and come back to attack repeatedly. This weapon only comes in the fire element that is manufactured by Vladof.
9. Gas Mask
A legendary shield manufactured by Hyperion that is always resistive to corrosive damage. It also increases a player’s lifetime by 50%.
10. Holy Grail
A legendary artifact manufactured by Eridian. With this artifact, players can revive an ally and gain weapon damage, movement speed, and health regen for 60 seconds for themselves and their ally. In addition, it gives a passive boost to max health and max health regen.
11. HOT Spring
Manufactured by Hyperion, HOT spring is a legendary grenade mod that replaces offensive grenades with defensive ones. The legendary artifact derives its “HOT” as an abbreviation for “Heal Over Time”. The HOT spring offers sustainability and durability for builds that do not have the option of restoring health. It heals 10% of max health three times per second and the healing aura lasts for 8 seconds.
12. Hotfoot Teddy
Hotfoot Teddy is a part of the Arms Race Legendary Weapons list. It is manufactured by Torgue and is a legendary assault rifle. The flamethrower can shoot flames within limited reach. Additionally, sustained fire can increase the damage up to +90%. The flame can spread to two nearby enemies.
13. Infernal Wish
A legendary shield manufactured by Anshin in Borderlands 3, Infernal Wish adds 1 projectile per shot when the shield is not depleted.
14. Kickcharger
A powerful rocket launcher, Kickchrager fires a laser through the enemies. It recharges in 4 seconds and players can increase the damage by 400% by charging.
15. Madcap
Manufactured by Anshin, this legendary shield can be obtained from Heavyweight Harker or the dedicated loot chest in Stormblind Complex. Madcap increases shield capacity and reduces the FFYL time by 50%.
16. Plasma Coil
The Plasma Coil is a Maliwan SMG that stands apart from the rest as it shoots a sixteen bullet burst. Players can also deal high elemental damage with this gun. It only comes in shock and radiation elements.
17. Tizzy
Tizzy is quite the heavyweight in the Arms Race Legendary Weapons list. Its fire rate increases the longer a player holds down the trigger. While limited in range, this weapon can drop in any element. However, a downside to the Tizzy is that it can deplete the ammo quickly. It is manufactured by COV.
18. Toboggan
Toboggan is manufactured by Eridian and provides a protective bubble when the player is sliding that is active for 10 seconds and reduces damage by 50%. It also provides +100% slide speed.
19. Torrent
The Torrent deals heavy shock damage on every 10th bullet it fires. Shock bullets deal heavy additional bonus damage of 380%. It also comes in an X2 variant which consumes 2 ammo per shot.
20. Trickshot
Manufactured by Jakobs, this pistol has the ability to discharge the entire clip once a player hits an enemy.
This is the list of Arms Race Legendary Weapons in Borderlands 3. Did you find Maurice’s Black Market in BL3 yet? Also, do you know what the final rank in BL3 is? Find out with Borderlands 3 Max Level Cap: What Is The Final Rank For BL3?