As we all know Call Of Duty is a Massively Multiplayer Shooter Video game available for all devices. It’s a very popular game series, where you can play the game with your friends online easily. Players can add their friends to their in-game friend list and also create a clan. For a start, at level 1 you can add up to 20 members to your clan. In order to maximize the clan capacity to 65 members, you have to upgrade it to level 10. If you’re thinking of making a clan then, we have some 3 letter COD clan names suggestions for you, go ahead and check them out.
100+ 3 Letter COD Clan Names List (2024)
Rather than joining a clan, you can always create one by yourself. However, the Clan name plays an important role to make it look cool and badass. So If you’re struggling to coming up with a cool and unique name, then we’re here to help. We’ve created a list of 100+ COD 3-letter Clan names for you.
- KGB- Killing by Ganimikava and Blitzkreig
- DWP- Die While Partying
- TSS- The Super Saiyans
- TUD- The Ultimate Daredevils
- CAG- Cookies And Gaming
- MMP- Murder Mystery Party
- PIS- Project Instant Soldiers
- CAF- Combined Army Force
- HAS- Have A Strategy
- WCK- We Clan Killers
- TGP- The Gaming players
- TPP- The Playing Party
- TSH- The Space Hooters
- THC- The Headshotter’s Crew
- TXM- The X Men
- TSM- The Super Masters
- TTS- The Tilted Stars
- WOW- Wizard Of Wonka
- TWK- The West Killers
- TPS- The Playing Supe’s
- TPH- The Pro Hunters
- HAW- Head N Win
- QkA- Quick kill Angles
- STW- Shoot To Win
- MgD- Machine Gun Dreamers
- WkA- We Kill All
- WBE- We Born Evil
- WBW- We Born Winners
- NSD- Never settle Down
- SaH- Shoot All Hooters
- DsD- Drop Shot Dead
- JsK- Jump Shot Killers
- ATO- Against The Odds
- CbK- Complete Best Killers
- NsK- No Scope killers
- TPH- The Psycho Hunters
- WAW- We Are Winners
- TPT- The Perfect Team
- TPC- The Perfect Clan
- TKP- The Killing Psychos
- MAT- Movements and Tactics
- AOA- All-Out Assault
- AFM- Army Fighting Machine
- AoD- Angels of the Doomed
- MgD- Machine Gun Dealers
- bbH- Bad Blood Hunters
- NgD- Never Go Down
- bEh- Behind Enemy head
- RtV- Road to Victory
- DWW- Double Weapon Winners
- RWU- Rare Weapon Users
- EbP- Epic Battlefield Players
- SoH- Sounds of Horns
- EBM- Evil Born Party
- StV- Securing the Victory
- EyA- Expand Your Arsenal
- STW- Shoot to Win
- GoP- Gods of the Players
- StW- Strategies to Win
- IAR- Impressive Aim Rates
- PWF- Play With Fun
- NOE- Neutralizing Our Enemies
- HfB- Hunger for Blood
- NsK- No Scope killers
- TAA- The AIM Angels
- ISF- International Special Forces
- KFK- Kung Fu Killers
- tES- The Evil Squad
- KoK- Kill or Kill
- TES- The Evil Soldiers
- Lfk- Legendary For Killing
- TBB- Toxic Booze Band
- UYL- Unassuming Yet Lethal
- LtK- Love to Kill
- TEM- The Evill Magicians
- KOD- Kill Or Die
- TEC- The Evil Players
- PWD- Play With Daddys
- WDC- We Daddy Cool
- TRS- The Raging Suns
- KWB- Kill With Blood
- TDB- The Dead Blasters
- TGR- The Ghost Riders
- PWG- Play With Ghosts
- TDP- The Devil Clan
- TST- The Super Team
- NSD- Never Stand Down
- TKS- The killing Strategy
- TEP- The Expert Assassinators
- ROB- Read Our Bullets
- TTB- The Toxic Brigadiers
- LTK- Love To Kill
- LTE-Love To Execute
- GAP- Games And Hell
- TBK- The Cruel Killers
- NMC- No Mercy Clan
- CAR- Combat and Rescue
- TLk- The Love Of killing
- TPS- The Playing Skulls
- TGS- The Gaming Skeletons
- OPW- Our Player’s Win
- OFW- Our Fathers’ War
- CAW- Combines Arms Warfare
- NMD- No Man Down
- CbK- Cold Blooded Killers
- QsS- Quick Scope Shooters
- CbK- Complete Beastly Killers
- ROT- Receiving Our Trophy
- CRK- Close Range kill
These are all the best 3 letter COD Clan names, just pick one which you like and get started. If you want to start with making a squad first, then we’ve already got you covered. Here is a list of cool and unique COD squad names for you, go ahead and check them out.