Battlegrounds Mobile India full version was launched for all on 2nd July. Karfton already said that they have big plans ahead and it seems like they have already begun. The first big event is the BGMI launch party, where 18 teams will fight for a prize pool of Rs. 6,00,000 ($8040). Let’s dig deeper and know everything about the BGMI Launch Party.
When Is The Launch Party Of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) And Where To Watch It?
The Launch party is scheduled for 2 pm on 8th and 9th July 2021. Everyone can watch the launch party live on the official Youtube channel and Facebook page of Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Format Of The Battlegrounds Mobile India Launch Party
18 teams with each team having 5 players will go head-to-head in six matches. The six matches will take place in Miramar, Erangel, and Vikendi. There will be 2 friendly matches as well where the players will only use a Pan. These two matches are different from the scheduled 6 matches, so in total, the teams will play 8 matches.
Here Is The List Of The 18 Teams In The BGMI Launch Party
- Team Dynamo
- Team Kronten
- Team Mortal
- Team Gaming Guru
- Team Classified YL
- Team Antaryami
- Team K18
- Team Alpha Clasher
- Team Snax
- Team Sangwan
- Team Godnixon
- Team Ghatak
- Team Ronak
- Team Shreeman Legend
- Team Maxtern
- Team Jonathan
- Team Bandookbaaz
- Team Clash Universe
Points Distribution For The Battlegrounds Mobile India Launch Party
- First place: 15 points
- Second place: 12 points
- Third place: 10 points
- Fourth place: Eight points
- Fifth place: Six points
- Sixth place: Four points
- Seventh place: Two points
- Eighth to 12th place: One point
- 13th to 16th place: Zero points
Apart from these every kill will get the one point as well.
Prize Distribution
- First place: Rs. 330,000 (about $4,400)
- Second place: Rs. 150,000 (about $2,006)
- Third place: Rs. 100,000 (about $1,338)
Current Standings
As of now Team Snax has huge lead and is at the top of the table with 53 points. The Launch party event has just begun so its too early to predict.
Along with the release of Battlegrounds Mobile India, Krafton also announced that they will be holding multiple E-sports events as well. The Launch party is just the beginning of these, Krafton has teased another E-sports competition. Krafton has posted a teaser of the same on their official Instagram handle but hasn’t mentioned the date. We are expecting an update regarding the E-sports event somewhere around 15th- 20th June.
That’s all for this one, do check out our article to know about the best Non-Airdrop Guns in Battlegrounds Mobile India.