BitLife is a life Stimulator game. It allows you to choose any character of your choice from a normal person to the King of England. Becoming King Of England in BitLife is a very fun yet little time consuming task. If you want to become the King of England but having trouble then look no further as we have created a guide explaining how it can be done in the simplest way possible.
BitLife: How To Become The King Of England?
There are two ways to become King in BitLife. One by unlocking the God mode and another way is following few simple steps in the game.
BitLife had recently introduced a new mode called God Mode. This mode helps you to do alterations in the people’s lives in the game. You can change anything and everything you wish by using this mode. Once you unlock the God Mode in BitLife you can simply pick any character of yours born in England and announce him as King of England.
It is as simple as it sounds. But to unlock God Mode you will have to spend some real-world money. We have another way for you to become the King of England without spending any penny.
How To Become The King Of England In BitLife For Free?
- Start with a new male character and make sure it’s born in a Royal Family in England.
- Try to be the elder most son in the Royal Family so that you are next in line after the King’s demise.
If not you can plan something to eliminate others from your way without getting caught. - Now, as soon as the current King i.e your father in BitLife dies, you will become the King of England.
- But it will take forever for the father to turn old and have a natural death. To save some time and become king as soon as possible you can try and poison your father and become King of England in BitLife.
- Be very careful while doing it and do not get caught at any cost or else you will have to start from the beginning.
That’s everything about how to become the King of England in Bitlife.