Imagine you are god for a day and can control people’s lives in a virtual world not once but as many times as you can! Sounds fun right? As we all know BitLife is a life simulator game in which you can be anyone you want in a virtual world. It has introduced a new mode in the game, called God Mode. Here is a guide to unlock God Mode in BitLife and enjoy every bit of it.
Everything You Need To Know About God Mode:
Nothing comes for free so does God Mode in BitLife! Unfortunately, there is no way to unlock God Mode for free in BitLife. You have to purchase it using real-world money. It will costs you $ 2.99 i.e around 220 Indian rupees.
Follow these steps to unlock God Mode in BitLife-
- Start with creating a new character.
- Go to the new attributes section scroll down and find God Mode in the list.
- Click on the God Mode and make the one-time payment to unlock the mode.
- And it’s done!
Advantages of unlocking God Mode in BitLife:
- You can start new life with any appearance and attributes you want in BitLife.
- Get to edit anybody’s character from friends and family list in-game while you are playing!
- You can also be born into a royal family if it’s available for your country.
- Change your character’s age in BitLife. For example, if you are a middle-aged person in a game you can switch back to being a kid or turn your character into an old person and enjoy the game.
The only thing you cannot change is the skin tone and gender of your character. Rest you are now free to change anything and everything you want from name, looks, to stats by unlocking God Mode in BitLife. Check out another article on how to become a rapper in BitLife?