Legends of Runeterra is a digital collectable card game that was released in 2020. The game which was developed and published by Riot Games is inspired by the collectable card game Magic: The Gathering. LoR is a skill-based strategy card game where players mix and match champions to defeat their opponents. As you may have guessed, choosing the right champion can be pivotal in the game. A great champion can be the difference between a breezy win and a gruelling battle. So, to help you pick out the best LoR champions here is the Legends Of Runeterra Tier List.
Legends Of Runeterra Tier List
These champions dominate the game with their power and adaptability. They can overcome opponents easily and help acquire the wins fast.
Ahri |
Miss Fortune |
Trundle |
Lee Sin |
Elise |
Diana |
Pantheon |
Veigar |
Lulu |
Pyke |
These are powerful champions that can hold their own in LoR. These versatile champions often serve as great support for the S-Tier champions.
Kennen |
Shyvana |
Taric |
Tryndamer |
Senna |
Sivir |
Lissandra |
Taliyah |
Xerath |
Rumble |
Teemo |
Gangplank |
Quinn |
Maokai |
Ekko |
Zoe |
These are sturdy champions that can prove to be a great support in the right match-ups. By themselves, they can fall a little flat though.
Zilean |
Azir |
Rek’Sai |
Aurelion Sol |
Nasus |
Taric |
Viego |
Caitlyn |
Riven |
Draven |
Poppy |
Fiora |
Lux |
Fizz |
Twisted Fate |
Anivia |
Ashe |
Sejuani |
Karma |
Nami |
Akshan |
Ziggs |
Renekton |
Malphite |
Leona |
Soraka |
Aphelios |
Thresh |
Ezreal |
Irelia |
Lucian |
Viktor |
Sivir |
Sion |
While not completely unplayable, these champions need an experienced player to get the most out of them. In the hands of inexperienced players, they can often be ineffective.
Vi |
Jinx |
Heimerdinger |
Vladimir |
Swain |
LeBlanc |
Jarvan IV |
Tristana |
Braum |
Yasuo |
Zed |
Shen |
Katarina |
Darius |
Kalista |
Hecarim |
Nocturne |
Jayce |
Sejuani |
Nautilus |
Katarina |
Garen |
Tahm Kench |
This is the Legends Of Runeterra Tier List including all the best champions in LoR. We hope it helped you pick the right champion for your gameplay. For more gaming updates, check out Games Adda’s Gaming Section.