Genshin Impact Ships Tier List (May 2023)

Want a Genshin Impact Ships Tier List? Let’s have a look at the best couples in Genshin Impact. Of course, this list is subjective and your opinion might differ from ours, so with that all cleared up, let’s begin.

Genshin Impact Ships Tier List

  • If you want to look for any ship, simply click Ctrl+F on your desktop. For mobile phones, click on the three dots on the top right of your phone browser.
  • After this, enter the name of the couple you want and look for them in the tier list given below.
  • Use the arrows on the pop-up box that comes. This will automatically move the screen over to the couple you are looking for.
  • This will show you the Genshin Impact Ships Tier List rankings of your choice.
Beiguang (Literal mommies, we love them) S
Chili (They’re like a perfect example of a husband that earns money and a wife that spends all the money) S
Ganqing (Gfs, period) S
Guili [Guizhong+Zhongli] (Yes, pretty sure we’re all sad about this) S
JeanLisa (Yes, I’m pretty sure we can all agree, yes) S
JeanLuc (Cuties!!!) S
Kaebedo (Yessss bfs from Khaneri’ah with secrets) S
Zhongguang (Yes geo mommy and geo daddy) S
Albecrose (I think they’re just really good friends rather than romantically together) A
Ayamiya (besties!) A
Ganfei (They’re cute!! They’d be besties) A
HuXiao (Again, they’d be besties) A
IttoSara (Besties that annoy each other!!!! {itto being the one who annoys sara} A
KazuGorou (Besties!!) A
KokoSara (They’re gfs) A
ScaraMona (I see it, they’re like enemies to lovers type, hate each other’s guts at first but then fall in love you know) A
XiaoVen (Yesss both anemo boys with opposite personalities <3) A
Ayakomi (Literally never seen any interaction between them but i think they’d be friends) B
Chaeya (Again, no interaction but they’d be good friends) B
KokoRou (Boss and Assistant vibes but they’re also friends) B
Rosaeya (I can see them bonding over stuff and being friends) B
ZhongXiao (I can see a father-son sort of relationship and I like it) B
EulaJean (I really don’t see it, at all) C
KaeJean (Strictly professional, only see each other at KOF meetings probably) C
KaeLisa (Strictly professional, only see each other at KOF meetings probably) C
ZhongVen (Just have the same position in life not really friends) C
ZhongBaal (Just have the same position in life not really friends) C
Almona (No, just no) F
DiluVen (No) F
KaeLuc (They’re literally brothers) F
KazuScara (I really don’t see it) F
Keqiao (0 interaction, there’s no way) F
ScaraBaal (Y’all wrong for this one) F
Tartbedo (???????) F
YaeBaal (It’s like saying VentixDvalin or ZhonglixAzdaha, just because yae has a human form) F
Zhongtao (Again, y’all wrong for this one) F

This is everything you need to know about the Genshin Impact Ships Tier List. While you are here, you can have a look at our Tier List category too!

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Mihir Hate: Aimlessly roaming around Horizon 5 looking for Barn Finds.