For Honor Tier List (February 2023) – Dominion, Duel & Brawl Modes

Our For Honor tier list ranks the best characters in tier lists for all game modes.

For Honor is one of the most popular action video games developed by published by Ubisoft in 2017. If you love playing action video games then you must know how important it is to know about the best characters that are excellent in the current meta.

With that in mind, we have created For Honor tier list, ranking every character from the best to worst. There are numerous characters in this game and ranking all of them on the basis of stats and ability is not a bed of roses.

However, we tried our best and ranked all For Honor characters depending on their overall power. In this tier list, we have not only mentioned the best characters but also mentioned the names of the worst characters that you must avoid if you want to win all battles.

Before we introduce you to our tier list, let me tell you that this Tier List covers all of the three most played modes —  Dominion, Brawl, and Duel.

For Honor Tier Tier – February 2023

Dominion Mode

Dominion is a multiplayer mode, where four players of all teams compete and hold multiple zones on a battlefield. The more you earn zones the more points you will earn in the game. Players are given a double number of points if they stay on Points A and C.

When a team gets 1000 points, the other team starts to break meaning each player on that team can’t respawn unless revived by another teammate. To win a battle, a team will have to break the opposing team and take all of their members down.

S- Tier:

  • Faction – Jiang Jun, Shinobi, Nobushi
  • Hero –  Wu Lin, Samurai, Samurai
  • Hero Type – Heavy, Assassin, Hybrid
  • Gender – Male, Male, Female

A- Tier

  • Faction – Shaman,  Berserker, Black Prior, Rider, Shao Lin
  • Hero – Viking, Viking, Knight, Viking, Wu Lin
  • Hero Type – Assassin, Assassin, Heavy, Vanguard, Hybrid
  • Gender – Female, Male/Female, Male/Female, Male/Female, Male


  • Faction – Warden, Kensei, Nuxia, Lawbringer, Conquerer
  • Hero – Knight, Samurai, Wu Lin, Knight, Knight
  • Hero Type – Vanguard, Vanguard, Assassin, Hybrid, Heavy,
  • Gender – Male, Male, Female, Male, Male/Female


  • Faction – Highlander, Centurion, Tiandi, Valkyrie
  • Hero – Viking, Knight, Wu Ling, Viking
  • Hero Type – Hybrid, Hybrid, Vanguard, Hybrid
  • Gender –  Male, Male, Male, Female/Male


  • Faction – Shugoki, Peacekeeper, Orochi,
  • Hero – Samurai, Knight, Samurai
  • Hero Type – Heavy, Assassin, Assassin
  • Gender – Male, Female, Male/Female


  • Faction – Aramusha, Warlord, Gladiator
  • Hero – Samurai, Viking, Knight
  • Hero Type – Hybrid, Heavy, Assassin
  • Gender – Male, Male, Male/Female

Duel Mode

Unlike Dominion, Duel is one Vs one multiplayer mode, wherein players will have to win the maximum number of matches to win the title.

S- Tier:

  • Faction – Shinobi, Black Prior, Conquerer, Warden, Nuxia, Berserker,
  • Hero –  Samurai, Knight, Knight, Knight, Wu Lin, Viking
  • Hero Type – Assassin, Heavy, Heavy, Vanguard, Assassin, Assassin
  • Gender – Male/Female, Male/Female, Male/Female, Male/Female, Female, Male/Female

A- Tier:

  • Faction – Raider, Jiang Jun, Shaman, Lawbringer
  • Hero –   Viking, Wu Lin, Viking, Knight
  • Hero Type –  Vanguard, Heavy, Assassin, Hybrid
  • Gender –  Male/Female, Male, Female

B- Tier:

  • Faction – Highlander, Shaolin, Tiandi
  • Hero –  Viking, Wu Lin, Wu Lin
  • Hero Type –  Hybrid, Hybrid, Vanguard,
  • Gender – Male, Male, Male/Female

C- Tier:

  • Faction – Warlord, Orochi, Kensei, Peacekeeper
  • Hero –   Viking, Samurai, Samurai, Knight
  • Hero Type – Heavy, Assassin, Vanguard, Assassin
  • Gender – Male, Male/Female, Male/Female, Female

D- Tier:

  • Faction – Nobushi, Gladiator, Valkyrie
  • Hero – Samurai, Knight, Viking
  • Hero Type – Hybrid, Assassin, Hybrid
  • Gender – Female, Male/Female, Female

F- Tier:

  • Faction – Shugoki, Armausha, Centurion
  • Hero –  Samurai, Samurai, Knight
  • Hero Type – Heavy, Hybrid, Hybrid
  • Gender – Male, Male, Male

Brawl Mode

This mode has two Vs two multiplayer. Of them, one duo has to eliminate the other to win the title.

S- Tier:

  • Faction – Jiang Jun, Black Prior, Kenseir, Shinobi
  • Hero –  Wu Lin, Samurai, Knight, Knight
  • Hero Type – Heavy, Heavy, Vanguard, Assassin
  • Gender – Male, Male/Female, Male/Female, Male/Female

A- Tier:

  • Faction – Nobushi, Berserker, Conquerer, Warden, Shao Lin, Warlord,
  • Hero –  Samurai, Viking, Knight, Knight, Wu Lin, Viking
  • Hero Type – Hybrid, Assassin, Heavy, Vanguard, Hybrid, Heavy
  • Gender – Female, Male/Female, Male/Female, Male/Female, Male, Male

B- Tier:

  • Faction – Shoguki, Tiandi, Highlander
  • Hero –  Samurai, Wu Lin, Viking
  • Hero Type – Heavy, Vanguard, Hybrid
  • Gender – Male, Male/Female, Male

C- Tier:

  • Faction – Valkyrie, Peacemaker, Nuxia, Orochi
  • Hero –  Viking, Knight, Wu Lin, Samurai
  • Hero Type – Hybrid, Assassin, Assassin, Assassin
  • Gender – Female, Female, Female, Male/Female

D- Tier:

  • Faction – Gladiator, Shaman, Raider, Lawbringer
  • Hero –  Knight, Viking, Viking, Knight
  • Hero Type – Assassin, Assassin, Vanguard, Hybrid
  • Gender – Male/Female, Female, Male/Female, Male

F- Tier:

  • Faction – Aramusha, Centurion
  • Hero –  Samurai, Knight
  • Hero Type – Hybrid, Hybrid
  • Gender – Male, Male

That’s everything you need to know about For Honor Tier List 2023.