Diablo 3 has a number of classes for players to select and make builds with the best characters. Playing in a team is much easier as compared to playing solo. If you are also a solo player and looking to create the best solo build in Diablo 3 Season 24 then you are in right place.
Here is a Diablo 3 season 24 solo build tier list ranking all characters in different classes from best to worst.
Diablo 3 Season 24 Tier List – Best Solo Builds Ranked
There are a total of 7 classes in Diablo 3 — Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, Witch Doctor, Wizard. Each class in Diablo 3 has several characters to choose from and that’s the reason why we have divided characters into different classes.
The S tier is the topmost tier that has all the best characters in the game whereas D is the last tier in the list having all weaker characters in the game that still need some improvement.
S Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24
- LoD Wave of Light, Monk
- Inna Mystic Ally, Monk
- Wrath of the Wastes Rend, Barbarian
- Firebirds Mirror Images, Wizard
- Patterns of Justice Tempest Rush, Monk
- GoD Hungering Arrow, Demon Hunter
- LoN Bombardment, Crusader
- LoD Poison Scythe, Necromancer
- LoD Corpse Explosion, Necromancer
- Mundunugu Spirit Barrage, Witch Doctor
- Zunimassa Poison Dart, Witch Doctor
- LoD Twister, Wizard
- Aegis of Valor Heaven’s Fury, Crusader
A Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24
- Sunwuko Wave of Light, Monk
- Natalya Rapid Fire, Demon Hunter
- Savage Frenzy, Barbarian
- Masquerade Bone Spear, Necromancer
- Might of the Earth Seismic Slam, Barbarian
- Might of the Earth Earthquake, Barbarian
- LoD Frozen Orb, Wizard
- LoD Hydra, Wizard
- LoD Tempest Rush, Monk
- DMO Twister, Wizard
- Firebird Flame Blades, Wizard
- Vyr Reverse Archon FO, Wizard
- Typhon Hydra, Wizard
- LoN Poison Dart, Witch Doctor
- Akkhan Bombardment, Crusader
B Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24
- Raekor HotA, Barbarian
- LoD HotA, Barbarian
- IK HotA, Barbarian
- Jade Harvester, Witch Doctor
- Arachyr Firebats, Witch Doctor
- Helltooth Zombie Bears, Witch Doctor
- LoD Spirit Barrage, Witch Doctor
- UE Hungering Arrow, Demon Hunter
- UE Multishot, Demon Hunter
- LoD Death Nova, Necromancer
- Invoker Thorns, Crusader
- N6GoD4, Demon Hunter
- Inarius Corpse Explosion, Necromancer
- Inarius Poison Scythe, Necromancer
- DMO Frozen Orb, Wizard
- Roland Sweep, Crusader
- SotL Blessed Hammer, Crusader
- LoD Blessed Shield, Crusader
- Vyr Chantodo, Wizard
- Uliana Explosing Palm, Monk
- LoD Rapid Fire, Demon Hunter
C Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24
- Furious Charge, Barbarian
- LoN HotA, Barbarian
- Sweep Attack, Crusader
- Marauder Sentry, Demon Hunter
- Rathma Bone Spirit, Necromancer
- Inarius Generator, Necromancer
- Arachyr Firebats, Witch Doctor
- Whirlwind, Barbarian
- Zombie Bear, Witch Doctor
- Shadow Impale, Demon Hunter
- Immortal Kings HotA, Barbarian
- Gargantuan, Witch Doctor
- Lightning Archon, Wizard
- Pestilence Cold Lancer, Necromancer
- Trag’Oul Corpse Explosion, Necromancer
- Tal Rasha Frozen Orb, Wizard
- Marauder Cluster Bombs, Demon Hunter
- IK Charge, Barbarian
- Akkhan Condemn, Crusader
D Tier In Diablo 3 Season 24
- N4M4 Cluster Arrow, Demon Hunter
- Natalya FoK, Demon Hunter
- LoD Mage, Necromancer
- Trag’Oul Lancer, Necromancer
- LoD Meteor, Wizard
- Helltooth Gargs, Witch Doctor
- Raiment Generator, Monk
This is everything you need to know about the best builds in Diablo 3 Season 24 best solo builds. Check out another article on Project M tier list to know the best characters in the game.