Metagross is considered to be one of the best Pokemon of all time. This makes it a formidable enemy, but it is not invincible. If you play your cards right, you can easily defeat Metagross in battles and raids. In this guide, we have covered all Metagross weakness and counters in Pokemon Go. Check out this guide and learn all there is to know about defeating it.
What is Metagross Weakness in Pokemon Go?
Metagross is a Steel/Psychic type Pokemon. So, it has the least resistance against Dark, Fire, Ghost and Ground type Pokemon. These types of Pokemon can exploit Metagross weakness in Pokemon Go.
However, keeping in mind the attack and defense stats of Metagross, it is important to pick the right choices that can hold their ground against it.
Best Counters for Metagross in Pokemon Go
Among all the Metagross counters in the game, the most effective one is Reshiram. This Dragon/Fire type has a deadly moveset that can be super-effective against the Steel/Psychic type.
If you have Reshiram in your collection, be sure to add it to your party and use Fire Fang and Fusion Flare moveset to beat Metagross. Also, you can use Overheat instead of Fusion Flare to take it down.
Apart from Reshiram, Chandelure is also a good pick. Chandelure’s both types are Metagross weakness, Ghost/Fire. The most effective Chandelure moveset will be Shadow Ball paired with Fire Spin, Incinerate or Hex. It can also use the moveset of Fire Fang and Overheat.
Gengar also makes a strong opponent against Metagross. With its moveset of Shadow Ball and Lick or Shadow Claw, it can deal a fair amount of damage to the Steel/Psychic type.
Lastly, you can always use Darkrai, if you have caught one, against Metagross. The most effective Darkrai moveset is Snarl paired with Dark Pulse. In a handful of hits, you can claim victory against it.
That’s all about Metagross weakness and best counters in Pokemon Go. If you found this guide helpful, check out What are Glalie’s Weakness and Counters in Pokemon Go? and Mega Abomasnow’s Weakness and Counters.