Pokemon Go: How To Increase Appraisal?

If you’ve been playing Pokemon Go for a while now, you must know what the Appraise feature is all about. However, the question remains can you increase appraisal in Pokemon Go? If you’ve searched for an answer to this question, you’ve landed in the right place. In this guide, we have covered the answer to this query below. Glance through this guide to know more about the same.

If you’re new to this game, Appraise is a feature that players can access to view the stats of the Pokemon. This feature helps the trainer to understand every pokemon better and it gets easier to add Pokemon to a battle party.

How to Increase Appraisal in Pokemon Go?

Unfortunately, there is no way you can increase appraisal in Pokemon Go. The appraisal rating consists of IV stats and these stats can’t be tampered with in the game. But you can change the base stats by using Stardust and Candies to Power Up your Pokemon. And the base stats are not IVs.

Because the appraise feature only displays the stats of your Pokemon, it basically calculates your Pokemon’s potential and portrays the facts based on analysis. The feature shows 3 IV stats in total and they are Attack, Defense, and HP.

Instead of increasing the IV of your Pokemon, you can grind more and catch one with higher stats. This probably is your best bet to obtain a powerful Pokemon in the game. However, this goes for normal Pokemon. If you have a Shadow Pokemon in your collection, purifying it can increase its appraisal rating by a certain value.

This is all you need to know regarding how to increase appraisal in Pokemon Go. Hopefully, this guide was helpful to you. While you’re here, you can go ahead and check out other similar articles such as How to Check if Raid is Weather Boosted in Pokemon Go? and How to Increase CP in Pokemon Go?

Shardul Hatiskar: Just another lost soul who found his haven in RPGs and ARPGs.