Whiteout Survival: How To Increase Power (Tips Guide)

Surviving in a post-apocalyptic world where snowstorms are a regular thing is not everyone’s cup of cake. You have to be strategic, empathic, and fast in building power. So read this guide on how to increase power in Whiteout Survival. And create the toughest camp. There are several ways to level up your city and troops in the game, and we have tried to cover them all. Additionally, we will update it in the future if more ways surface. Meanwhile, bookmark this guide and keep reading to know all.

How to Increase Power in Whiteout Survival (Power Up)

Training and upgrading troops, performing research, leveling up and ascending heroes, advancing gears, and completing daily, growth, and arena challenges are some of the most prominent ways of increasing power in the game. We will learn about them one by one in the guide, so keep reading.

You can train troops in Infantry Camp. And camp level can reach level 30, where you will unlock level 10 Apex Infantry. It is the strongest troop of the Infantry Camp. Keep playing and sending your heroes and troops to exploration missions to earn raw materials, XP, currency, Shards, and more.

There are various useful skills you can upgrade and research in the Research Center. Such as troop formation, load, capacity, ward expansion, and tool enhancement. Once you unlock and build a research facility, always keep it engaged with some or the other research. Even when you are low on resources, research the cheapest skill, but keep it active.

EXP and hero shards required for ascension can be easily obtained by going into the exploration, and completing daily, growth and events. It is also crucial to constantly check and complete missions to claim easy rewards. Furnace upgradation also plays an important role in city advancement. It unlocks more facilities, and you get more opportunities, so level up them as soon as you accumulate the required resources.

This is all you need to know and do in Whiteout Survival to increase power fast. If this guide was informative to you. Read our other similar guides, like how to get steel and change state in the game.

Mansi Singh: An ambivert who likes to explore the world of tales and thinks about learning something new every day.