If you’ve landed here while searching for how to use Mystic Artes in Tales of Symphonia Remastered, your search ends right here. In this guide, we have explained the requirements to unlock and implement the Mystic Artes of all the characters in the game. Check out this guide to learn all there is to know about the special attacks.
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How to Use Mystic Artes in Tales of Symphonia Remastered
Before using the Mystic Artes, you must first unlock them. And in order to unlock them, each character has their own method. Below, we have mentioned the requirements for every character to activate it in your gameplay.
Colette Brunel

Colette Burnel’s Mystic Arte is called Holy Judgement. To gain and activate it, you have to achieve these requirements.
- You have to learn the Holy Song attack and use it at least (x50) in battles against the enemies and bosses. In order to acquire this attack, you have to release the Third Seal of Sylvarant.
- Now, you have to learn the Judgement attack. And for that you need to locate and travel to the Tower Of Salvation. Similar to the Holy Song attack, you have to use Judgement for (x50) against enemies and bosses.
- Once you’re done with the above tasks, you’re all set to unleash the wrath of Holy Judgement on the opponents.
However, keep in mind that you don’t have control over the timing of this attack as it occurs suddenly while using one of the two above mentioned attacks.
Hence, we recommend you use them as soon as you get the chance. For that, you have to click on the Attack, Guard, and Tech buttons on your controller at the same time.
Genis Sage

Genis Sage’s Mystic Arte is known as Indignation Judgement. Below, we have explained the requirements and the usage of the same.
- Upgrade the character to level 9 and acquire the Lightning attack.
- Post that, you have to upgrade to level 26 and get a Technical Build. After this, use Lightning attack for (x50). By doing so, you will unlock the Thunder Blade attack.
- Now, level up to level 60 and use the Thunder Blade attack (x50) with Technical Build. In this way, you will acquire the Indignation attack. Simply use Indignation for (x50).
Once you’ve completed the above feats, you will unlock Indignation Judgement. Remember that the Over Limit state triggers Genis’s Mystic Arte. You must click on Tech, Guard and Attack buttons simultaneously when the conditions are met.
Kratos Aurion
Kratos Aurion’s Mystic Arte is called Holy Binds and you have to meet the following requirements.
- You have to gain the Judgement Title at Flanoir along with the Judgement Tech. Make sure that the Affection Points are good enough when you acquire the title.
- Unequip the Material Blade from Lloyd Irving. Or replace Llyod with some other character.
And with that, you will be able to unlock the Holy Binds. Similar to Genis Sage, the Over Limit state triggers Kratos’s Mystic Arte. So, make sure that the HP meter falls on or below 16% of the total HP. And then, click on the Attack, Guard, and Tech buttons at the same time.
Lloyd Irving

Llyod Irving’s Mystic Arte is known as Falcon’s Crest. And in order to unlock and use it, you have to meet the below requirements.
- First, you have to navigate to Derris-Kharlan and gain the Eternal Swordsman title. You will unlock this title as the story progresses further.
- Next, you have to find and obtain the Material Blade which you can get your hands on during the Heimdall story arc.
- Keep in mind that you must use the Material Blade in battle and the HP must be 16% or below of the total HP.
Once you have achieved the above feats, tap on the Attack, Tech, and Guard buttons at the same time to use the special attack.
Presea Combatir

Unlike other characters in the game, Presea Combatir has two Mystic Artes. They are called Infernal Ruins and Crimson Devastation.
- Firstly, you have to obtain the Key Crest in the Meltokio region.
- Next, you need to have Ex-Gem (Level 3 or above) in the Mighty Charge skill.
- Then, you have to use the Beast attack (x100 for Infernal Ruins and x200 for Crimson Devastation) in the Over Limit state.
Once these conditions are fulfilled, you can use Mystic Artes in Tales of Symphonia Remastered by pressing the Attack, Tech, and Guard buttons at the same time on your controller.
Raine Sage

Similar to Presea Combatir, Raine Sage also has two Mystic Artes. They are Sacred Shine and Fairy Circle.
In order to unlock Sacred Shine, check out the below requirements.
- Firstly, you have to learn the Photon move. To do so, you must upgrade Raine to level 16.
- Then, continue to level up until level 46. By this time, you must have acquired Strike Build or Technical Build.
- If you use Photon (x50) times with Strike Build, you will obtain the Holy Lance attack. Similarly, if you go with Technical Build, you will gain the Ray move.
- Lastly, you have to use either Holy Lance or Ray (x50) in Over Limit to unlock the Sacred Shine Mystic Arte.
Coming to the second Mystic Arte, Fairy Circle, fulfill the given conditions.
- Firstly, you have to upgrade Raine to level 26. By that time, you’d have obtained the Technical Build. Now, use the First Aid move (x50) with the Build to unlock the Nurse move.
- Furthermore, level up to level 41 to learn the Healing Circle move. You can do so by using the Nurse move (x50) with the Technical Build.
- Now, you have to attain level 50 and use the Healing Circle (x50) along with the Technical Build to gain the Revitalize move.
- Then, simply use the Revitalize move (x100) in battles against the enemies and bosses.
This process will unlock the Fairy Circle Mystic Arte. Now, you have to enter the Over Limit state and tap Attack, Guard, and Tech on your controller to use either of the two Artes.
Regal Bryant
Regal Bryant’s Mystic Arte is known as Fanged Finality. In order to unlock and use the Mystic Arte, meet the below mentioned requirements.
- Firstly, you have to unravel the mystery of the identity of Lezareno Campany’s President.
- Then, upgrade Regal to level 53 to learn the Force move.
- Now, use the Force move (x100) in battle.
- Next, use a combo attack that includes Technical Builds (x3) and Force (x1) in the Over Limit state.
- Lastly, press the Attack, Tech, and Guard buttons simultaneously to activate Fanged Finality.
Sheena Fujibayashi

Sheena Fujibayashi is, as of now, the only character in the game with 10 Mystic Artes. Basically, these are 10 different versions of the same Arte.
- Sheena’s Arte is called Summons where she is able to summon different spirits against the enemies and bosses to defeat them when she is in the Over Limit state.
- In order to summon the spirits, she has to make pacts with all of them throughout the game.
- The 10 spirits that she has to make a pact with are as follows,
- Birth
- Darkness
- Earth
- Fire
- Ice
- Light
- Lightning
- Origin
- Water
- Wind
To Summon the Spirits, you have to press Attack, Tech, and Guard buttons when her HP is on or below 16% of the total HP or the other party members are knocked out.
Zelos Wilder
Zelos Wilder has two Mystic Artes, and they are known as Holy Binds and Divine Judgement.
To unlock Holy Binds, you have to complete the following requirements
- Upgrade Zelos to level 15 and obtain either a Strike Build or Technical Build.
- By this time, you’d have gained Demon Fang. Use it (x50) with one of the builds.
- If you used it with Strike Build, you will get Fierce Demon Fang. In case you have gone with the latter, you will unlock Double Demon Fang.
- Then, attain level 23 and learn the Light Spear attack.
- Once you’ve gained access to the Light Spear attack, you have to use it (x50) with either Strike or Technical Build.
- If you’ve chosen the former, you will get Light Spear Cannon. If you’ve selected the latter, you will get Victory Light Spear.
- Now, you have to level up to level 50 to obtain Demon Spear. There are two ways you can get that which includes both the builds.
- By using Fierce Demon Fang (x50) and Light Spear Cannon (x50) with a Strike Build.
- Or by using Double Demon Fang (x50) and Victory Light Spear (x50) with a Technical Build.
- Now that you have unlocked the Demon Spear, you’re almost there. Use the Demon Spear (x100) against enemies and bosses and complete the Tower of Salvation Dungeon arc.
- Lastly, use the Demon Spear attack while in the Over Limit mode and Zelos shall use the Holy Binds Mystic Arte.
Coming to the Divine Judgement Mystic Arte, fulfill the below mentioned conditions.
- Once you have unlocked Holy Binds, you have use it (x1) against the enemies and bosses to acquire the Judgement attack.
- Now, simply use Judgement (x20) in the gameplay and you will unlock the Divine Judgement Mystic Arte.
- In order to use either of the Mystic Artes, you have to tap on the Attack, Tech, and Guard buttons on your controller at the same time while in the Over Limit state.
This is all you need to know about how to use Mystic Artes in Tales of Symphonia Remastered. Hopefully, this guide was helpful to you. While you’re here, you can feel free to browse through other similar articles such as How to Use Over Limit in Tales of Symphonia Remastered and Top 7 Games to Play on Nintendo Switch.