How To Make Living Walk In Melon Playground

It can be difficult to control your Living’s movement in the game as every time you hold and drag them forward they hang in the air like a puppet. So you might be wondering how to make Living walk in Melon Playground. If you are, then keep reading this guide for step-by-step instructions.

Make a Character or Living Walk in Melon Playground

To walk in Melon Playground, double tap or hold your character’s head, scroll down and select Walk. If you following the above steps is hard for you, then read this detailed step-by-step guide on walking.

  • Launch your game in Android or iOS and come to Playground.
  • From the Menu select any Living character like Pumpkin, Apple, and Melon.
  • Make sure your Character is standing on the ground. You can pause it by using the Play/Pause button in the top right corner.
  • Double tap or hold your Living’s head and wait till the command box appears.
  • Scroll down and choose Walk.
  • Now, if you have paused your character it will be stuck in one place repeating the walk animation. So press the upper right corner Play button for walking.

How to Stop Walking in Melon Playground

  • Press the Pause button from the top right corner.
  • Double tap or hold your Character’s head till a command box appears.
  • Scroll down and tap on Stop Animation.
  • That’s all you need to do. You can now unpause it and keep playing the game.

How to Walk on Water

To make your Living walk on water. First, place a glass on the Water’s surface and expand it to cover the whole area. Now double tap or hold the Living and choose Enable Collision from the command box. Next, select Walk from the same box. Your character will walk on water now.

Hopefully, this guide on how to make a living walk in Melon Playground was helpful for you. If it was, then follow this site and read how to hold items like Guns in MP.

Mansi Singh: An ambivert who likes to explore the world of tales and thinks about learning something new every day.