Fast Ways to Get Lucre (Gold) in Echoes of Mana

To unlock different heroes in Echoes of Mana, you need a lot of gold, also known as Lucre. Obviously, the more you play, the more Lucre you will get. But are there more efficient ways to get Lucre in the game? Yes, there are! And we are here to help you do exactly that. Here is your guide on how you too can get Lucre or gold fast in Echoes of Mana.

How to Farm Lucre (Gold) Fast in Echoes of Mana (Without Cheats)

While the game has an energy system, you can still earn quite a bit in the game. Even if there are some limits that you will have to work with. Remember to spend your energy effectively. This is the best way for you to earn a lot in the game. Here is how you too can farm Lucre fast in Echoes of Mana.

To make the most out of the game, sell 1-Tier memory gems. Since the gems are already overpriced as is, you will make a good amount of Lucre by selling your 1-Tier gems in Echoes of Mana. This will also give you some XP as well.

If you’re desperately in need of getting gold in Echoes of Mana then you can sell a few of your 2-Tier memory gems that will get sold off faster than 1-Tier gems. Now, the question that arises is how can you get these gems at all? Read below to find out.

How to Get Gems in Echoes of Mana

Gems in Echoes of Mana are given during fights. The further that you progress, the more resources you get upon completing missions. To earn more, however, you will have to make sure that you avoid doing the daily Lucre missions. Since these missions yield less gold than the main ones and you can only do 3 missions in a day. This will allow you to earn more in the game and get you that much further.

And that’s how you do it, folks! These were our tips on how you too can earn gold or Lucre in Echoes of Mana fast. As well as how you can do this with ease. If you like mobile gaming, check out this article on the best Netflix video games to play on mobile.

Kristine Rebello: A creative at heart, Kristine loves gaming in the most laid back way possible. The games that she enjoys the most are in TPP or RPG or maybe even a combination of the two.