Mighty Doom: Best Gear Loadout Guide

Gears play a crucial role in a fight, especially when you are taking on hoards of opponents. Apart from the final boss and other chapter bosses, players face waves of zombies that become heavier with the stages. And these waves consist of Melee and ranged enemies. Therefore this gear list of the best Mighty Doom loadout guide is a must for beginners. So keep reading this guide and make the best build for your Slayer.

Best Gear Loadout Guide for Mighty Doom

  • Gold Slayer
  • Combat Shotgun
  • Ballista
  • Unmaykr
  • Flame Belch
  • Cultist Helmet
  • Exultian Gauntlets
  • Demonic Chestplate
  • Demonic Boots

Above was the list of all the equipment and slayer suited for these gears. Keep reading to learn more about these gears and build.

Gold Slayer

Players can unlock and use any of the four present slayers. But Golden Slayer is highly recommended because it costs Crystals, which you can collect from rewards. This Slayer is filled with magic and can frequently charge secondary weapons with kills.

Combat Shotgun

Combat Shotgun is a high-impact weapon, suggested with some abilities like Spread Shot, Twin Shot, and Side Shot. Its attack is already powerful and gets even better with the mentioned combination. And you will clear the wave within just a few seconds.

Ballista – Loadout Mighty Doom

Ballista causes heavy damage to demons weak against plasma. And fires plasma to defeat the enemy. But it delays shots and is hard to use for beginners. So if you have just started playing this game, it is suggested to go for Super Shotgun, as it is easier to handle.


Unmaykr is especially strong against demons that are weak towards Plasma. And it has a tridirectional projectile of argent bolts, which rapidly fires the round. This is easy to handle, so even beginners can use it with ease.

Flame Belch

Flame Belch is strong against those enemies who are towards plasma, and has smooth handling. If you are a beginner it is highly recommended rather than Arc Grenade, Flag Grenade, and Acid Spit.

Wearable Loadout Gears in Mighty Doom

  • Cultist Helmet increases the damage and critical damage rate by up to 120% at its maximum rarity. It is best against an enemy that has a pool of power and hardly takes damage.
  • Exultian Gauntlets increase the damage rate of the Slayers. And Epic rarity gives a Boss Damage Bonus of up to 40%. Therefore strongly suggested for tough bosses like Prowler.
  • Demonic Chestplate offers damage resistance of a maximum of 5% against all attacks. Also, increases the maximum health of the Slayers depending on rarity.
  • Demonic Boots increase the player’s maximum health and damage against all attacks. At the Epic level, their Projectile and Melee dodge chance can go up to 5% and max heath +40. Making it the best choice among all the present ones.

This was the best loadout guide for Mighty Doom. If you are looking for similar guides. Check out how to defeat Mecha Zombie and tips & tricks for the mentioned game.

Mansi Singh: An ambivert who likes to explore the world of tales and thinks about learning something new every day.