Star Wars: KOTOR Console Commands (All Cheat Codes 2022)

Players get to step in the shoes of a Jedi to defend the galaxy against Malak in KOTOR

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is an RPG game series that takes place before the formation of the Galactic Empire. Almost 4,000 years before the Empire is thought of, Darth Malak is causing trouble for the Galactic Republic. Players get to step in the shoes of a Jedi to defend the galaxy against Malak. However, it can be quite a daunting task at times. If you’d like to make your virtual life a lot easier, here are the KOTOR Console Commands and how to use them in the game.

KOTOR Console Commands

How To Enable Cheats?

  • Go to the game folder. [C:\[your game directory]\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor]
  • Open swkotor.ini
  • Find Game Options
  • Add ‘EnableCheats=1’ under it

Star Wars KOTOR Console Commands

  • In the game, press the ` or ~ key.
  • Type the console command.
  • Press Enter.
  • The cheat is now activated.

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Cheat Codes In KOTOR

Cheat Codes Effect
heal Adds health and force points
invulnerability Grants invincibility
infiniteuses Can use items infinitely
turbo Faster movement
revealmap Makes the entire map of your current area completely visible
givecredits ## Gives ## credits
givemed Gives 99 advanced medpacks
giverepair Gives 100 advance repair kits
givecomspikes Gives 100 comspikes
giveparts Gives 99 parts
giveitem Gives item of your choice (item codes required)
addlevel ## Gives experience
addexp ## Gives ## exp
addlightside ## Gives lightside points
adddarkside ## Gives darkside points
settreatinjury ## Raises treat injury to ## level
setcomputeruse ## Raises computer use to ## level
setdemolitions ## Raises demolitions to ## level
setstealth ## Raises stealth to ## level
setawareness ## Raises awareness to ## level
setcharisma ## Raises charisma to ## level
setwisdom ## Raises wisdom to ## level
setintelligence ## Raises intelligence to ## level
setconstitution ## Raises constitution ## level
setdexterity ## Raises dexterity to ## level
setstrength ## Raises strength to ## level
setsecurity ## Raisessecurity to ## level
setrepair ## Raises repair to ## level
setpersuade ## Raises persuade to ## level
dancedancemalak Changes Darth Malak into a female dancing Twi’lek

Star Wars KOTOR Console Commands 1

Giveitem Codes

The “giveitem” code should be used before applying these codes.

Cheat Codes Effect
g_i_implant305 Cardio power system
g_i_implant304 Bio-Antidote package
g_i_implant303 Bavakar memory chip
g_i_implant302 Bavakar reflex enhancer
g_i_implant301 Bavakar cardio package
g_i_implant204 The party selection screen available
g_i_implant203 Nerve enhancement package
g_i_implant202 Retinal combat implant
g_i_implant201 Biotech package
g_i_implant104 Done
g_i_implant103 Memory package
g_i_implant102 Responce package
g_i_mask19 Stealth Field Enhancer
g_i_mask18 Combat Sensor
g_i_mask17 Demolitions Sensor
g_i_mask16 Interface Band
g_a_class9010 Mandalorian assault armor
g_a_class9007 Jurgan Kata’s power suit
g_i_belt010 Eriado stealth unit
g_i_belt009 Calrissians utility belt
g_i_belt013 Electrical capacitance belt
g_i_belt011 Adrenaline stimulator
g_i_belt012 CNS strength enhancer
g_i_implant310 Cyber reaction system
g_i_implant309 Beemon package
g_i_implant308 Sith regenerator
g_i_implant307 Navardan regenerator
g_i_implant306 Gordolan reaction system
g_i_mask15 Stabilizer Mask
g_i_mask14 Sith Mask
g_i_mask13 Teta’s Royal Band
g_i_mask12 Breath Mask
g_i_mask11 Verpine Headband
g_i_mask10 Neural Band
g_i_mask09 Advanced Aural Amplifier
g_i_mask08 Aural Amplifier
g_i_mask07 Sonic Nullifiers
g_i_mask06 Vacuum Mask
g_i_mask05 Bothan Sensory Visor
g_i_mask04 Verpine Ocular Enhancer
g_i_mask03 Bothan Perception Visor
g_i_mask02 Motion Detection Goggles
g_i_mask01 Light Scan Visor
g_i_mask23 Pistol targetting optics
g_i_mask22 Circlet of Saresh
g_i_mask21 Interface visor
g_i_mask20 Stealth field reinforcement
g_i_belt014 Thermal shield generator
g_a_mstrrobe06 Gives Darth Revan Robe (01=Master Jedi Robe)
g_a_class9009 Gives Cassus Fett’s Armor (Feel free to try other number for different armor)
g_w_sbrcrstl01 Gives Saber Crsytal
g_i_trapkit001 Gives Mines
g_w_lghtsbr06 Gives Darth Malak’s Lightsaber
g_i_implant101 Give Cardio Package (Implants)
g_i_implant101 Give Cardio Package (Implants)
g_i_trapkit001 Gives Mines
g_i_belt010 Gives Stealth Field Generator (Try another numbers for different belts)
g_i_mask01 Gives Light-Scan Visor (Try 02, 03, etc… for others head gear)
g_a_mstrrobe06 Gives Darth Revan Robe (01=Master Jedi Robe)
g_a_class9009 Gives Cassus Fett’s Armor (Feel free to try other number for different armor)
g_w_sbrcrstl01 Gives Saber Crsytal
g_i_upgrade001 Gives upgrade items
g_w_lghtsbr01 Gives Lightsaber (01=blue, 02=red, etc)
g_w_lghtsbr06 Gives Darth Malak’s Light Saber
g_i_upgrade001 Gives Upgrade items
g_w_sbrcrstl15 Gives Yellow Color Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl14 Gives Blue Color Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl19 Gives Solari Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl13 Gives Upari Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl12 Gives Sigil Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl11 Gives Bondar Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl10 Gives Firkrann Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl09 Gives Luxum Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl08 Gives Phond Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl07 Gives Jenruaux Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl06 Gives Opila Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl05 Gives Nextor Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl04 Gives Sapith Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl03 Gives Eralam Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl02 Gives Damind Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl01 Gives Rubat Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl16 Gives Green Color Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl17 Gives Violet Color Crystal
g_w_sbrcrstl18 Gives Red Color Crystal
g_w_lghtsbr01 Gives Blue Saber
g_w_lghtsbr02 Gives Red Saber
g_w_lghtsbr03 Gives Green Saber
g_w_lghtsbr04 Gives Yellow Saber
g_w_lghtsbr05 Gives Violet Saber
g_w_lghtsbr06 Gives Malak’s Saber
kas25_wookcrysta gives Wookiee Amulet
tat18_dragonprl Kryaat Dragon Pearl
ptar_sitharmor Sith Armor
g1_w_hvrptbltr01 Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster
g_a_mstrrobe06 Darth Revan’s robes
g_a_mstrrobe07 Star Forge robes


These are all the Console Commands available in Star Wars: KOTOR right now. For more gaming updates, browes through our Gaming Section.