Constitution Writer Crossword Clue Answer (Puzzle Solution)

Crossword puzzles can be traced back to the 18th century

Crossword Puzzles are a great way to engage in learning. People have been fascinated with the concept of crosswords for a long time. In fact, crossword puzzles can be found way back in 18th century. Solving crosswords doesn’t just give the solver knowledge, it also comes with a sense of achievement. Solving the cryptic clues given by crossword puzzles has become a hobby for many across the world. However, sometimes clues can completely through you for a loop. Players might get completely flummoxed by a clue and then think that it was so obvious when they see the answer. Today, we will share the answer to the Constitution Writer Crossword Clue. This is a common clue that is used in many crossword puzzles.

So, without wasting any more time, let us find out the answer to this clue.

Constitution Writer Crossword Clue Answer

Constitution Writer Clue Answer

There can be two possible answers to this clue. It depends on how many words the answer is in your crossword. While the most likely answer to this puzzle is FRAMER which is a six-letter word, there can also be another possible answer. In case, the crossword answer is seven words long, you can try DRAFTER as the answer. Both of these answers are technically correct.

So, you can use whichever one fits the best according to the crossword puzzle you are solving. This clue was most recently used in Thomas Joseph Crossword on March 03, 2022. Similar versions of this clue have previously been used by USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times.

This clue can also be framed as ‘Contributor to the Constitution’ or ‘Constitution contributor’. Both these version have previously been used in crossword puzzles.

That is all about the Constitution Writer Crossword Clue. We hope this answer solved the puzzle. Players that enjoy crosswords should definitely check out these 5 Word Games like Wordle.