Want to have a nice laugh? This list of the 7 best CODM Memes is here to crack you up or leave you in disgust, depending on your sense of humor. These are some of the memes that I managed to scavenge together to help you guys out. If you do have any of your own, you can email them to us directly by visiting the ContactUs section above and we might feature them here. Hearty Laughs coming your way!
7 Call Of Duty Mobile (CODM) Memes To Make You Laugh
There’s always that one dude……
Ahhhh, the countless number of times I have asked my friends to stay hidden, only for them to fire from a mile away. Like, stop it man. You couldn’t hit the ground while you were standing on it. Just let it go……
The pressure does get to you eventually
Going to space is tough? Ever had your entire team spectate you while you were the last one alive with 0 kills? And if you do fail, nothing can save you from the wrath of norsegod69 and his buddies. Get practicing fellas.
PUBG v CODM memes: a match made in heaven
Oh, how quickly do the loyalties switch! All it takes is one game to go down for a bit and you have an entire fanbase jumping ship. You know who you are.
The gaming version of catfishing
Seen the cringe thumbnails? Well so have we. And they are awful. Only for the user to heap praise on the game. You ain’t fooling anyone. Let it slide man.
Devs being the subject of CODM Memes never gets old
The devs always get the short end of the stick. And sometimes rightly so. No, we don’t want a common skin while you try to fix the cheating issue. LET US PLAY!
Hey, someone’s gotta take the blame man……
We have all been there. The fake excuses such as the finger slipping, internet lagging, screen crashing. Anything and everything to deflect the blame for being bad. Guilt as charged.
Man stop being tryhards
One of the few things CODM users agree on is the hate for cringe YouTubers. Clickbait content is always annoying and sometimes just downright idiotic. Don’t do it!
This is everything that you need to know about CODM Memes. Hope you had a laugh! While you are here, check out How To Get Berserker Medal In Call Of Duty Mobile.