Best Minecraft Streamers To Watch on Youtube (2022)

Love Minecraft but you can’t find a good streamer on Youtube to watch? We know how you feel. Here are the 5 best streamers for Minecraft on YouTube that are bound to bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re looking for a gamer to watch with family or alone, these are the ones for you!

Top 5 Best Minecraft Streamers on YouTube


As one of the Minecraft streamers on YouTube, Dream is also one of the most popular ones out there. Currently, with 28.9 million subscribers after 8 years on YouTube. Apart from his main account, Dream also has six other YouTube accounts that he games on.

And yet, no one really knows who Dream really is. This is a remarkable feat to achieve as most YouTubers can’t maintain privacy. Especially when they play and stream as much as him. Following any one (or more) of them ensures that you will have something to watch every day!


DanielTdm Robert Middleton is a very popular gamer that has built his own fan following by being consistent with his gaming content on his channel DanTDM (apart from others). While he is most popular for his Minecraft content, he also plays Roblox and Pokémon. Since He will be celebrating his 10th year on YouTube, why don’t you go ahead and give him a follow or watch a couple of his videos?


What sets CaptainSpaeklez apart from the others on this list is that while he is a hardcore gamer, he’s also a super popular electronic musician. Holding a steady fanbase of 11.3 million, and only growing bigger and better!

The real name of this gamer is Jordan Maron and his content is family friendly. So if you’re looking for one of the YouTube Minecraft streamers that you can bond with your younger siblings over, head on over to CaptainSparklez’s channel.


A Dutch YouTuber that started his gaming channel in 2014, Jelle van Vucht has around 22.7 million subscribers. With a main focus on Minecraft, Jelly makes funny Letsplays where he runs around various games and dominates the field. Catch his streams or tune into his vlogs to keep up!


Last but definitely not the least, Ranboo is another popular YouTuber that streams Minecraft and other games. At the age of 18, he is the youngest on our list but still has around 3.9 million subscribers. A sweet and loveable kid, he’s a fan favourite for sure!

Those were our picks for the best Minecraft Streamers on Youtube. Give any one of them a shot (or all of them) and you’ll be sure to have a good time. If you’re interested in Minecraft, then be sure to check out this article on best Minecraft Pocket Edition graphic mods & shaders.

Kristine Rebello: A creative at heart, Kristine loves gaming in the most laid back way possible. The games that she enjoys the most are in TPP or RPG or maybe even a combination of the two.