A few days after Krafton launched the early access of Battlegrounds Mobile India, Garena is all set to release Free Fire OB29 Advance Server APK, allowing users to explore the newly added features.
Similar to previous updates, Garena will soon open registration for Free Fire OB29 Advance Server on their official site. There are numerous sites available on the internet state that Garena has already started the pre-registration for the Free Fire Advance Server of OB29 but when we visit the site, we did not find it correct.
When you visit Free Fire Advance Server official site, you will see that the site does not have any information related to the OB29 update. Once Garena officially begins the pre-registration for the FF Advance Server OB29 update, players can download the APK of the same and explore new contents added to the game.
The reason why Garena launches FF Advance Server APK before rolling out an update is to find out bugs and issues in the game. If anyone finds out a bug or issue and reports them to Garena, they are given rewards in the form of Diamonds and other in-game items.
Free Fire OB28 Advanced Server APK Download Guide
If you are curious to experience the upcoming update of Free Fire and want to download it then here are few simple steps that you will need to follow when Garena makes available the download link of Free Fire OB29 Advance Server APK.
- Visit the official website of Free Fire Advance Server. You can visit the site by clicking on this link.
- Once on the site, you will have to click on the ‘Login Facebook’ button and log in to the site.
- When you do so, you will be prompted to a form, wherein you will have to fill in some details such as name, email ID, and phone number.
- Once filled, you will have to click on the ‘Join Now’ button to get the pre-registration process completed.
Notably, Free Fire OB29 Advance Server Apk will only be released for a limited number of users. Unlike the normal update, players would not be able to explore the FF Ob29 Advance Server APK unless or until they have an Activation Code.
Do you know how to get an activation code for FF Advance Server APK? If not then keep reading this post.
How To Get Activation Code For FF Ob29 Advance Server
There are no specific ways to obtain an activation code for Free Fire OB29 Advance Server APK. What all you need to do is get yourself registered for the Advancer Server and if you are lucky enough then you will be given an activation code by Garena.
Once you have obtained an activation code, you simply need to copy and paste into the Advance Server and enjoy the game to the fullest.