Complete Guide to Anti-Cheat System in Free Fire

Here is everything that you need to know about the upcoming anti-cheat system in Free Fire.

Ever since the inception of the game, Free Fire has been facing problems with cheaters coming in the way. Just like a lot of other games out there, cheaters ruin the gaming experience. This is a big demotivator for other players that want to just enjoy the game. To take care of this, 111dots Studio has been working on making Free Fire cheater-free. By implementing a solid anti-cheat system, devs are now able to ban cheaters easily. Regular players are also able to report cheaters as and when they come across them in the game. So let’s look at what the anti-cheat system in Free Fire entails.

How to Use the Anti-Cheat System in Free Fire?

Understanding the Anti-Cheat System in Free Fire

The Anti-cheat system makes use of ‘Cloaking’. You can see this technique in other popular games like Call of Duty Mobile. Cloaking helps detect cheating and users of third-party software. It can also detect hackers in the game that have an unfair advantage over other players.

This cloaking system will make cheaters unable to see legitimate players at all. Not only that but the sounds of bullets by legit players won’t be heard on their game as well. This makes it impossible for cheaters to even play the game easily. In fact, it makes playing the game that much more difficult. The Anti-cheat system helps make playing Free Fire that much better for fair players.

Of course, the anti-cheat system has not been implemented yet but with the announcement already here, it is sure to be implemented in the upcoming patches. As there must be some fine-tuning left to do with the system.

We can’t wait to see what happens with the anti-cheat system in Free Fire. We hope that cheaters and hackers amend their ways and start to play fairly from now on. If not, then their time to play with no consequences is coming to an end. If you liked this article then why don’t you check out this one on the Free Fire Shooters Ville Event 2022.