One Piece is a Japanese manga series by Eiichiro Oda that was later adapted into an anime television series in 1999. The popularity of the One Piece anime series can be deduced by the fact that it is still going strong after completing over 1000 episodes. However, this can sometimes be quite a bit daunting for new viewers that do not know which episodes to watch and which to skip for later. This is why we have put together a list of Filler arcs as well as episodes and the order to watch them.
One Piece Filler Arc In Order To Watch
Warship Island Arc
Episodes 54-61
Post-Alabasta Arc
Episodes 131-135
Goat Island Arc
Episodes 136-138
Ruluka Island Arc
Episodes 139-143
G8 Arc
Episodes 196-206
Ocean’s Dream Arc
Episodes 220-224
Foxy’s Return Arc
Episodes 225 and 226
Ice Hunter Arc
Episodes 326-335
Spa Island arc
Episodes 382-384
Little East Blue arc
Episodes 426-429
Z’s Ambition Arc
Episodes 575-578
Caesar’s Retrieval Arc
Episodes 626-628
Silver Mine Arc
Episodes 747-750
Marine Rookie Arc
Episodes 780-782
Cidre Guild arc
Episodes 895-896
One Piece Filler Arcs You Can Skip
Even in filler arcs there are interesting arcs and arcs you can completely skip over without missing anything in life. Below are 5 of the most boring filler arcs in One Piece that you can definitely put in the watch later list.
- Ruluka Island: The Rainbow Mist made a brief and uninspiring debut in this arc and was never mentioned again. This arc did not offer much in the way of a story and is altogether skippable in your One Piece marathon run.
- Marine Rookie: Saddled with an unintimidating antagonist, this One Piece arc was totally skippable.
- Post Alabasta: Following in the footsteps of the Alabasta arc, Post Alabasta definitely failed to live up to expectations especially since the Alabasta arc had set the bar high.
- Goat Island: A simplistic storyline and uninspiring characters make this an unmemorable One Piece filler arc.
One Piece Filler Episodes
- 54-60
- 98-99
- 102
- 131-143
- 196-206
- 220-226
- 279-283
- 291-292
- 303
- 317-319
- 326-336
- 382-384
- 406-407
- 426-429
- 457-458
- 492, 542
- 575-578
- 590
- 626-627
- 747-750
- 780-782
- 895-896
- 907
Partial Canon/ Filler Episodes
- 46-47
- 61
- 68-69
- 101
- 354
- 421
- 489
- 520
- 574
- 625
- 628
- 633
- 653
- 657
- 679
- 690
- 731
- 738
- 751
- 777-778
- 789
- 803
- 807
- 878-879
- 881-885
- 887-890
- 924
- 985
- 989
- 991-992
This is a complete list of all the One Piece Filler episodes and arcs. For more such lists check out, Naruto Shippuden Filler List.