All-Star Tower Defense is another Roblox RPG but this one has popular characters from several animes like Dragon Ball and Naruto. Just the fact that your team can have Goku and Naruto on one team is enough to lure you. With so many characters to unlock and choose from codes and tier, lists become all the more important. Here is a list of codes followed by the detailed tier list of all the Roblox All-Star Tower Defense characters.
Roblox All Star Tower Defense Tier List – 2023
Codes for Roblox games get introduced and expired very quickly. This is why we have curated two different lists to avoid any confusion.
All Star Tower Defense Active Codes
- newupdcode2
- newupdcode3
- blamsponge (+50 level)
- sorryforlongdelay (+45 level only)
- navyxflame170kyoutubereal (+75 level only)
- thankyoufor5bvisits (+100 level only)
- world3ishere (need Lev 115+)
- Halloween2022
- 2yearanniversary
- newstarcode
![all star tower defense]()
All Star Tower Defense Expired Codes
- fruit – Use this code to get 550 gems, 500 Gold, and 2x EXP III
- 2021memorialday2021x – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- Update53021 – Use this code to get 150 Gems, 300 Gold, and EXP III
- Lovetobrazil – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- diamondnowina – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- ohmahgawdskill – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- yellowsix – Use this code to get 150 gems
- tysmfor1mfavorite – Use this code to get 750 Gems, 750 Gold, and EXP III
- smoothcriminal2 – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- jahajha – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- shotofmemories – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- quickshut – Use this code to get 100 Gems
- lieawake – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- freedom – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- likeapartyonthelist – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- 1bvisit1b – Use this code to get 1,000 Gems
- 1billionvisit21drip – Use this code to get 200 Gems, 300 Gold, and Koku Drip Skin
- eastercoda21 – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- helloworld2021 – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- somemorenewcoode – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- isitthenewerayet – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- hchgaming – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- handsoftime – Use this code to get 2 EXP IIIs
- gameon2021 – Use this code to get 500 Gems
- lovetofightastd – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- thisisthenewestcode – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- subtome – Use this code to get 80 Gems
- subinferman – Use this code to get 50 Gems
- incredibledayum – Use this code to get 50 Gems
- likethegamepog2021 – Use this code to get 200 Gems and EXP III Mega-Rare [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
- 700mil – Use this code to get 200 Gems and EXP III Mega-Rare [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
- updatebelike – Use this code to get 50 Gems
- epicnew – Use this code to get Gems
- pert – Use this code to get 50 Gems
- rainmen – Use this code to get 50 Gems
- bigtim – Use this code to get 50 Gems
- lateupdatendat – Use this code to get 200 Gems
- codecodeyayhooray – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- omgdiscordpopoff – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- bigbangrah – Use this code to get 80 Gems
- mytimerchamber – Use this code to get 300 Gems
[Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server] - liketo320k – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- rwarhappynewyear2k21 – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- roadto300kuwu – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- 2k20merrychristmas2k20 – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- subtosnuglife – Use this code to get 100 Gems
- 2shutdowncode12232000 – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- liketo280k – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- 100KClypso – Use this code to get 50 Gems
- kelvin500ksubs – Use this code to 50 Gems
- decemberfun2020 – Use this code to 300 Gems
- likethegamepog – Use this code to 400 Gems
- nano150k – Use this code to 50 Gems
- subtoinfer2x – Use this code to 50 Gems
- 240kearly – Use this code to 150 Gems
- UseCodeDessiYT – Use this code to 100 Gems
- subtoinfernasu – Use this code to 100 Gems
- sub2navyxflame – Use this code to 100 Gems
- noclypsub – Use this code to 50 Gems
- Frangosub – Use this code to 50 Gems
- ni2 – Use this code to 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server)
- codegoaliee – Use this code to 150 Gems
- shutdowncode – Use this code to 150 Gems
- 200knextcode – Use this code to 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server)
- likeslikeslikes – Use this code to 200 Gems
- foreverandever – Use this code to 200 Gems
- watchaot – Use this code to 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server)
- ALWAYSTOGETHER – Use this code to 200 Gems
- letsgetiton – Use this code to 150 Gems
- spentmytime – Use this code to 150 Gems
- showmenow – Use this code to 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server)
- hunudthousand – Use this code to 200 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server)
- Sebbydesu9000 – Use this code to 150 Gems
- supernaruto – Use this code to 100 Gems
- lilfavorite – Use this code to 150 Gems
- AllStarDessi – Use this code to 50 Gems
- supremethen – Use this code to 100 Gems
- manylike – Use this code to 100 Gems
- Infernasu – Use this code to EXP II Character
- ryukostop – Use this code to 150 Gems
- UnderTheWeather – Use this code to 100 Gems
- epicgal – Use this code to 100 Gems
- update1 – Use this code to 90 Gems
- HappyHalloweenMyFriend – Use this code to 100 Gems
- hallowten – Use this code to Broom Mount
- Sub2Smeltzer – Use this code to 50 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- sub2shadownetwork – Use this code to 25 Gems, 150 Coins, and a EXP II Character
- Sub2Aricku – Use this code to 20 Gems
- ilikeshirafune – Use this code to EXP III Character (Might only work in Private Server)
- Noclipso – Use this code to Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- whoisthebestguy – Use this code to 100 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- sub2razorfishgaming – Use this code to 50 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- subtokelvingts – Use this code to 100 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- codesuperrawr – Use this code to 100 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- sub2terrabl0x – Use this code to 100 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- likeandsubcribe – Use this code to 100 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- nanoislandbaby – Use this code to 100 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- gamerelease – Use this code to 50 Gems
- superposition100 – Use this code to 70 Gems (Might only work in Private Server)
- newgoal – Use this code to 70 Gems (Private Server)
- 5starluck – Use this code to 70 Gems
- supertime – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- biggerthanlife1 – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- fruitgame – Use this code to get 150 Gems
- 600klikes – Use this code to get 175 Gems
- updatejune2021 – Use this code to get 250 Gold, 250 Gems, and EXP III
- addnewunitstobannerfix – Use this code to get 150 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server]
How To Redeem Codes In Roblox All Star Tower Defense
- Click on the “settings” button on the bottom right of the screen
- Type the code in the “Enter code” textbox
- Hit enter you will get your free reward
How To Get More Codes Roblox All Star Tower Defense
To get more codes players should follow the developers of the game on all their social platforms. We will also update this article regularly so bookmark it and keep checking it regularly.
Roblox All-Star Tower Defense Tier List
The characters are divided into five tiers S, A, B, C, and D with S being the strongest and D being the weakest. Here are all the characters ranked tier wise
Tier S
- Cosmo
- Miya
- Edwards
- Sol
- Grison
Tier A
- Garfield
- Envy
- Phoenix
- Lion
- Flog
- Edwyn
Tier B
- Jett
- Terra
- Iris
- Carney
- Daniel Toby
- Bert
- Grover
- Margaret
- Sebastian
- Jane
Tier C
- Kamath
- Kali Lung
- Darwin
- Heracles
- Uranus
- Elijah
- Greed
Tier D
- Erinis
- Neptune
- Bruce
- Liz
- Blade
- Vulcan
- Harley
Character ranking is very subjective so many would agree with this and disagree with this list. Characters from Tier S and A should be given first preference whereas the rest of the characters are also good but you will need to use them more carefully.
The Tier List and Codes list are meant to give an edge over other players so do refer to it before playing.
That’s all for this one, do check out Summon Dragons tier list to get the best dragons in the game.