League Of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List

League of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List has gone live on February 15. Here's what changes you can expect in the LOL tier list for patch 11.4.

League of Legends or LOL has been the most played game in the world released by Riot Games since 2012. It is one of the most in-depth games out there to play. The game is very fun to play combined with the fun and accompanied with continuous strategies and rewards. Recently some changes have incurred in the game with its new patch release. LOL Patch 11.4 went live on February 15, 2021. Resulting in many changes to the games champions and few other in-game items. In this article, we have mentioned all changes made in the League of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List.

League of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List (Champions)


League Of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List

  • The buffs received by Talon place him on a higher level that is in the S-tier list. His buffs include a new cooldown to his second ability and an increase in his attack-damage output.
  • As expected assassins specializing in dealing with huge physical damage like Yasuo and Yone are also one of the strong picks.
  • Ability power mage assassins like Katarina and Ahri will also be having some extra buffs.
  • Morellonomicon’s increased ability-power will also increase Ahri’s high burst damage while Katarina ultimate ability will now get buffed with an increased amount of damage
  • Anivia is also making it to the higher ranks thanks to her crowd control and versatility.


League Of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List

  • Sylas received quite good buffs in 11.3 and became an A-tier mid-Laner.
  •  Kassadin, Qiyana, and Diana are excellent choices as assassins even after they lack in strength as control mages in the lane phases.
  •  Vladimir, Orianna, Heimerdinger, Cassiopeia, and Swain will be a huge help for you during team fights and can even be left to fight on their own.
  • In this tier, you will find control mages like Orianna being buffed.


League Of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List

  • Its always been seen that most champions perform way better when they are fighting against specific match-ups, such as Aurelion Sol, Lux, and Brand.
  • Since they lack mobility and are vulnerable against assassins it is best to not have them come face to face in a fight against them.
  • Although they fair quite well this will just be a case of poor match-up on your end.
  • You will find some ability-based mages in this tier like Xerath, Zilean, Zoe, Malzahar, Galio, Twisted Fate, and Morgana.
  • . For mixed-damage or physical damage you will find Akali, Sett, Kayle, and Kog’Maw


League Of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List

  • This LOL patch 11.4 will prove to do some good to Veigar by including some buffs. The mana cost of his first ability will be decreased considerably.
  • Zoe who was doing quite well in the previous patch has now moved up one spot more.
  • But since Talon and Katarina are in the S-tier things have gotten tougher for Syndra, Ziggs, Ryze, and Lissandra
  • Since Ezreal, Tristana, and Corki’s talents are more related based on player skills they haven’t been able to make it in the higher tiers and are stuck on the C-tier for the time being.


League Of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List

  • Not many changes in the D-tier since Twisted Fate and Neeko are still on the D-tier list.
  • While Azir seems to be quite weak after the changes he went through in the 11.3 patches, he may have a chance with Morellonomicon’s buff but right now he is still in the D-tier list.

With this, we will be ending our article on League Of Legends Patch 11.4 Mid Lane Tier List. While here you may also like our article on other tier lists like Cookie Run Kingdom Tier List and Mobile Legends Tier List.