The founder and CEO of ThopTV Satish Venkateshwarlu was arrested last night in Hyderabad by the Mumbai Cyber cell. ThopTv has been one of the pioneers of pirated content in India. Millions of people consumed all kinds of Entertainment be it sports, movies, and shows illegally from the app. Here’s everything you need to know about the future of ThopTV and it’s Owner in India.
Also Read| Is ThopTV Banned In India
Founder And CEO Of ThopTv Arrested
Mumbai Cyber Cell arrested the 28-year-old Satish Venkateshwarlu from Hyderabad late at night on 13th June. The founder has been charged for violating the Information Technology Act and Copyright Act of India. The ThopTV owner will be in police custody for 7 days and after that as per the instructions of the Court.
The Mumbai police and Mumbai Cyber cell have received a lot of complaints and the latest one being from Viacom 18 studios.
All the complaints were about how the app copies and distributes its original content for free or at a discounted rate to people. This hampers the revenue of the production houses as many people consume the content from ThopTV instead of the official channels or apps and don’t pay any subscription fees as well.
ThopTV was famous for streaming all sports live especially cricket. It was one of the few pirated apps that streamed sports as well. The app used to boom during the cricket season and especially during IPL.
Future Of ThopTV
With the founder and CEO being arrested the future of ThopTV seems very bleak. As of now, ThopTV is down and users get an error when they open it. It’s highly unlikely that the error will be fixed and users shouldn’t expect the app to be up and running anytime soon. We would recommend users to not use such apps and if in case you were or are using it we would advise you to delete the app.
We would urge users to consume Movies, shows, and Sports only through the official channels. Using these apps can lead to serious repercussions and also harm your system.
That’s all for this one, for more such news, tips and tricks stick around at Gamesadda.