The wait is finally over as Apex Legends has finally arrived on Nintendo Switch. The release of Apex Legends on Nintendo Switch comes two years after the game was released on PC and Consoles. Ever since the news of the battle royale game releasing on Switch broke, there are tons of players who were quite excited to play the game but most of them seem to be angry as they are having Apex Legends items.Gnut #773 error.
Not one or two but there are hundreds of players who reported that they are encountering Apex Legends items.Gnut #773 error while playing the game. There are numerous players who reported that they started having this issue after they logged in Nintendo Switch to their EA Accounts.
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If you too are having Apex Legends items.Gnut #773 error while trying to play the game then don’t worry, we have discovered a couple of ways that might resolve this issue.
How To Fix Apex Legends Items.Gnut#773 Error In 2021?
Due to Apex Legends Items.Gnut #773 error, players are unable to play the game smoothly. Yes, this error prevents players to enjoy the game because it keeps players from jumping into the game. This is not the first time when Apex Legends players have been encountering Gnut Error Code in the game, the same error occurred in the year 2019 as well.
The developer of the game has not mentioned a specific reason causing the Apex Legends items.Gnut #773 code error. However, as instances of Apex Players reporting the items.Gnut #773 error increase, Respawn Entertainment will be forced to look into the issue.
Here are few simple ways to fix Apex Legends items.Gnut #773 code error:
1. Restart Your System
To fix Apex Legends Items.Gnut #773 code error in 2021, you will have to restart your system and check again. This fix might not work for you but it has worked for many players who were having the same issue.
2. Switch The Location From Main Lobby
There is a user named @abadacejr, who informed players that he has fixed Apex Legends items.Gnut #773 code error by switching the locations on the main screen. Apart from @abadacejr, there are numerous users reported to have solved this issue by using the same method.
3. Transfer From External To Internal Drive
If you are having Apex Legends Items.Gnut #773 on PS4 then you can easily fix this issue by moving it from external to Internal drive.
These are three ways to fix the Gnut error code in Apex Legends.