Exominer: How To Make Ball Bearings

Want to know how to make Ball Bearings in Exominer? Check out this guide.

If you’re here to know how to make ball bearings in Exominer, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we have covered all the details regarding the production of ball bearing in the game. It is not at all difficult to produce them even if you’re a relatively new player. Check out this guide to learn all there is to know about the same.

How to Make Ball Bearings in Exominer

Make Ball Bearings in Exominer

In order to make ball bearings, you need to collect two things, Fuse (x2) and Cobalt Bar (x5). Now, you will be able to make Fuse from Tin Bar (x5). And you will get the Cobalt Bar by refining Cobalt in the refinery.

You have to install a crafter that can help you produce ball bearings. The crafter has a menu that contains the list of materials you can build. These materials need to be unlocked using in-game cash. You can unlock ball bearing for 100k cash.

Once you have gathered all the required items, click on the crafter or on the production tab. If you’re already constructing something, you can abort it or wait until it is completed. Then click on the empty slot and select ball bearing. It will take about 8 minutes to craft one.

Ball bearings are used to gain money by selling it. If you’re on planet 1, the value of ball bearing is 135k cash. Depending on the planet, the value of this component will increase. Apart from that, ball bearings can be used as a material during research.

This is all you need to know about how to make ball bearings in Exominer. Hopefully, this guide was helpful to you. While you’re here, you can go ahead and check out other similar articles such as How to Get Astronauts in Exominer? and How to Make Heat Sensor?