This little world is loaded with resources, some of which exist in reality and some that are works of fiction. But what is common in them is that they all are necessary to progress in the game. In this guide, we will learn about one such resource, Liquid Amber, and how to get it in My Little Universe. And see all the worlds which contain them.
Which Worlds Contain Liquid Amber in My Little Universe

Trollheim, Dimidium, Factorium, Wadirum, and Oddyseum are five worlds that give Liquid Amber in My Little Universe. If you are a new player and have reached World 2 Trollheim, you will find some maps which need Liquid Amber for unlocking. And as you progress, the need will only increase. Therefore it is necessary to collect them in advance. Keep reading to know which area of these worlds contains the element.
Liquid amber is only available in Arena Dungeons and is obtained by chopping Arena trees. Trollheim Arena Dungeon presents ten map layout variants in Dungeon N3 Map Number. Dimidium also contains ten different variants in Dungeon D4 Map Number.
Unlike the previous two worlds, Factorium has two Arena Dungeons, Dungeon N5 A Map Number and Dungeon N5 B Map Number containing ten variants. Wadirum too consists of two Arena Dungeons, Dungeon D6 A Map Number and Dungeon D6 B Map Number containing ten map layout variants. Last world Oddyseum also has two Arena Dungeons, Dungeon N7 A Map Number and Dungeon N7 B Map Number containing ten map layouts.
These dungeons are time bound and refresh every 12 hours. Therefore keep a tab of time and start exploring as soon as it opens. You can also watch Ads to shorten the duration of the entry.
That’s all players need to know about how to get Liquid Amber in My Little Universe. While you are here, skim through our site and read tips and tricks to play this game.