How To Solve Kerosenia Plant Puzzles: Tower Of Fantasy (2022)

Find out how you can solve Kerosenia Plant Puzzles in the Tower Of Fantasy.

Check out how to Solve Kerosenia Plant Puzzles in Tower Of Fantasy. The game contains several puzzles which offer free rewards when solved. The Kerosenia Plant puzzle is one of the easiest puzzles in the game. You can identify the plant by a Red bowl full of oil, surrounded by Green leaves. The exact locations of the puzzles are uncertain, that’s because they spawn naturally. However, the game doesn’t provide any hints to solve it. But don’t worry, here we are to help you loot and solve the puzzle in the game easily.

How To Loot Kerosenia Oil Plant Puzzles in Tower Of Fantasy? (2022)

How To Solve Kerosenia Plant Puzzles in Tower Of Fantasy

Here’s how you can loot & solve Kerosenia Oil Plant Puzzles in Tower Of Fantasy. The process to solve this puzzle is pretty much the same as solving the Tar Pit puzzle. The Black liquid in the red bowl is not an ordinary material, it’s a flammable oil. So make sure to maintain distance while solving the puzzle, or else your character might get damaged. Now let’s get into the steps to solve the Kerosenia puzzle.

  • First, you’ll have to find a Kerosenia Plant.
  • And then, use a Fire Element weapon to ignite the flammable oil in the red bowl.
  • In order to ignite the plant, we recommend you to use R Composite Bow.
  • After attacking it with your bow, go ahead and collect the free Black Nucleus.

Note: After the Tar Pits are respawned, some of them might not contain rewards.

Also Read: Where To Find Ball Cactus in Tower Of Fantasy

This is all you have to do to solve the Kerosenia Plant puzzles in Tower Of Fantasy. If you want to know more about the game and its puzzles, then we just have the right article for you. Here’s how you can solve Lava Pit puzzles in the game.