Vampire Survivors: Ebony Wings Unlock Guide

Vampire Survivors is a no-frills survival game that is a treat for players that enjoy old-school games. Players are stuck trying to survive night creatures that keep on descending in increasing numbers. In such a situation, obviously weapons play a vital role in the game. Players with more powerful weapons have an easier time surviving. Weapons like Ebony Wings can be unlocked as players progress through Vampire Survivors.

This weapon flutters around the player and pelts projectiles on enemies in a pattern within the area of effect. It fires 4 sets of projectiles by default. Let us take a look at how players can unlock the Ebony Wings in Vampire Survivors.

How To Unlock Ebony Wings In Vampire Survivors?

Ebony Wings are one of the hidden unlockable weapons. Since this weapon can deflect attacks and inflict damage, it makes for a great secondary weapon. To unlock this weapon, players will first need to unlock the Peachone weapon first. Players can unlock Peachone by surviving 10 minutes as any character during any stage.

After unlocking Peachone, players will need to level up the weapon to level 7 in a single run. Ebony Wings will be unlocked after players have completed these requirements and finished the stage. Ebony Wings is also the starting weapon of Exdash but players will not be able to unlock the true potential of the weapon just by unlocking Exdash.

After both Ebony Wings and Peachone have reached level 8, they can also be combined into a single weapon called the Vandalier. This will also free up a weapon slot for the players to use.

Ebony Wings Effects

Ebony Wings has 8 levels. Below are the effects for each level.

Level Effects
Bombards in a circling zone
Fires 1 more projectile. Base area up by 40%
Fires 1 more projectile. Base damage up by 10
Fires 1 more projectile. Cooldown reduced by 0.3 seconds
Fires 1 more projectile. Base area up by 40%
Fires 1 more projectile. Base damage up by 10
Fires 1 more projectile. Cooldown reduced by 0.3
Fires 1 more projectile. Base area up by 40%


That is everything about the Ebony Wings in Vampire Survivors. Players should also check out how to get the Vampire Survivors Duplicator Achievement and unlock the item in the game.

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