Bots are the Artificial Intelligence-controlled player characters standing in the place of real players either from your or your opponent’s team blocking your way in CS: GO. They are very easy to kill but they are very disturbing during practice matches, exploring new maps, and planning new lineups in the game. If you want to remove them or kick bots out of CS: GO during matches then here is a step-wise guide for you.
CS: GO – How To Kick Or Remove Bots?
Removing bots is a very short and simple process in CS: GO. All you have to do is enable the console from your settings and then just drop 2 or 3 commands in it. Here is a detailed guide to enable the console and kick bots off in CS: GO.
1) Launch the game on your device
2) Head straight to ‘settings‘ by clicking on the setting icon on the left side menu of your screen.
3) Next find ‘Games‘ in the horizontal menu and click on it.
4) Now scroll down and find ‘Enable Developer Console‘ and hit on Yes to activate it.
5) Once you are done activating the console in CS: GO, start the match and open the console in the match by pressing the default key set for console i.e “~“.
6) Type the following commands one by one in the small text box on the console followed by clicking on Submit button next to it to kick bots in CS: GO.
- mp_limitteams 1 – This command will stop bots from rejoining the game.
- mp_autoteambalance 0 – This command will stop the bots from auto-balancing from one team to another.
- bot_kick – To finally remove all bots from your game.
7) In case you change your mind and what some hurdles back in the game. Then you can add bots again to your game by using the following command: bot_add
8) You can also add or kick bots in particular areas in CS: GO by simply adding the location in the command.
Eg. bot_kick ct or bot_kick t
bot_add ct or bot_add t
Follow the steps carefully and kick the bots out in CS: GO. Check out another article on how to bind grenades in CS: GO.