Anyone who is a die-hard Counter-Strike fan would naturally search for cheat codes. After a while, the game becomes dull, and you feel the need to add some spice into it. Fortunately, you have arrived at the correct place. Here’s where you can get Counter-Strike 1.6 cheats that will add various effects and also unlock new items in the game.
Counter Strike 1.6 Cheats
Counter Strike 1.6 cheats include various effect codes, unlock weapon codes, new skin codes, waypoint changes, and extras. Here’s a brief thing you must know before proceeding further. If you rename to any of the following, instead of your name, a long string of words will appear once you die. The string is the code for the skin’s explanation. Each of the skins has one.
- cstrike_sas_label
- cstrike_gign_label
- cstrike_guerilla_label
- spec_no_pip
Effect Codes
To activate the effect codes start with the following points.
- Press ~ and console will be entered on the server machine.
- Type sv_cheats 1 or sv_ 1.
- Type changelevel dust (or another map) and your map will be changed.
- Enter any of the desired codes at the console from below.
- The cheat will be activated.
- Also, some of the codes may be modified or discarded since the game is patched frequently.
Effect | Code |
$16,000 | impulse101 |
Adjust gravity | sv_gravity <-999 – 999999> |
Arctic sniper rifle gives | spaceweapon_awp |
Auto-aim with a sniper rifle | sv_aim |
Auto-reload disabled | -reload |
Auto-reload enabled | +reload |
Change crosshair color | adjust crosshair |
Change skins | skin |
Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting | crosshair <1-5> |
Faster backward motion | cl_backspeed 999 |
Faster forward motion | cl_forwardspeed 999 |
Faster side motion | cl_sidespeed 999 |
Get indicated item | give |
Hyper auto-aim disabled | sv_clienttrace 0000 |
Hyper auto-aim enabled | sv_clienttrace 9999 |
Level select | changelevel |
Reveal how much time is left on the map | timeleft |
See and fire through walls and objects, default is 3600 | gl_zmax<0-9999> |
See things brightly without a flashlight | lambert -1.0001 |
Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6 | mp_freezetime |
Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5 | mp_roundtime <3-15> |
Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0 | mp_timelimit |
SetC4 timer | mp_c4timer <1-100> |
Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1 | ah <0 or 1> |
Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1 | cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1> |
Toggle flashlight use, default is 1 | mp_flashlight <0 or 1> |
Toggle footsteps, default is 1 | mp_footsteps <0 or 1> |
Toggle friendly fire | mp_friendlyfire <0 or 1> |
Toggle graph | net_graph <0 or 1> |
Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1 | dm <0 or 1> |
Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0 | ghosts <0 or 1> |
Unbind key command | unbind |
View other players’ frags | cl_hidefrags 0 |
Whiten all surroundings at 800×600 resolution | r_lightmap 1 |
Weapon Codes
Press the ~ key > type in ”sv_cheats 1” > Use any code from below with ”give (weapon code)” for example ”give spaceweapon_ak47” to get an AK-47.
Weapon Name | Code |
AK-47 | weapon_ak47 |
Artic | weapon_awp |
Benneli xm1014 | weapon_xm1014 |
Bomb defuser | weapon_defuser |
C4 | weapon_c4 |
Colt M4a1 carbine | weapon_m4a1 |
Commando | weapon_sg552 |
Desert eagle | weapon_deagle |
Dual Berettas | weapon_elite |
Flashbang | weapon_flashbang |
Fn P90 | weapon_p90 |
Glock 18 pistol | weapon_glock18 |
H&K Sniper Rifle | weapon_g3sg1 |
HE grenade | weapon_hegrenade |
Kevlar Vest | weapon_kevlar |
M3 super shotgun | weapon_m3 |
MAC-10 | weapon_mac 10 |
MP5 | weapon_mp5navy |
Nightvision goggles | weapon_nightvision |
Para | weapon_m249 |
SIG p228 | weapon_p228 |
Scout | weapon_scout |
Sig 550 | weapon_sig550 |
Smoke grenade | weapon_smokegrenade |
Steyr Aug | weapon_aug |
Ump.45 | weapon_ump45 |
Usp.45 pistol | weapon_usp |
Press ~ on the console and then enter any of the following code.
Effect | Code |
Disable waypoint editing | waypoint off clip |
Enable waypoint editing | waypoint on clip |
For more skins use “skin [Skin Name]”
Skin Name | Code |
Arab | arab |
Arctic | arctic |
GSG9 | gsg9 |
Guerrilla | guerrilla |
Hostage | hostage |
SAS | sas |
SEAL | seal |
Terrorist | terror |
VIP | vip |
As of today, these are all the working cheats (some may be altered). Bookmark this webpage and return later. This way, you’ll always be up to date on the latest Counter-Strike 1.6 cheats.