Titans is a hit DC show that follows the Teen Titans on their journey. The show already has 2 seasons with the season 3 trailer just dropped. We’ll be breaking down the trailer so if you haven’t seen the trailer or don’t want any spoilers to consider this as the final spoiler warning. Here’s everything you need to know about the Titans Season 3.
Titans Season 3 Release Date India And Worldwide
Titans season 3 will be releasing on 12th August on HBO max. Fans can also binge the previous 2 seasons on HBO max while waiting for Season 3. As of now, HBO Max hasn’t been released in India, we expect that the show will be available on the Bookmyshow stream app for Indian users. Zack Snyder’s Justice League was an HBO Max original and it was available for Indian audiences on the Bookmyshow stream which is why we expect the same for Titans season 3.
As of now, Titans is also available on Netflix so in countries where HBO Max hasn’t been release Season 3 might be available on Netflix as well. These are speculations but we’ll have all the details soon.
Where To Watch Titans Season 3 In India
Titans is now a HBO Max exclusive which is why the show won’t be available on any other streaming platform. Unfortunately HBO Max isn’t available in many countries and India is one of them. The only way Indian fans can watch Titans season 3 is through illegal websites.
Joker Kills Robin, Red Hood Is Here
The trailer gives us a Joker tease and also showed the iconic Joker crowbar scene. Fans of the comics know that Joke is killing Robin in that scene. The next scene shows how devasted everyone is including Dick Grayson aka Nightwing, Batman, and all the Titans. While the Titans are trying to get over it they have a new threat to deal with, Red Hood. Red Hood barges in and says “Batman’s gone, Gotham is mine now”. This shows that along with Joker the Titans will have to deal with Red Hood as well.
Batman’s Dead? Dick The New Batman
The trailer shows a devasted Bruce Wayne throws the crowbar on the ground and tells Nightwing “I am done, be a better Batman”. This indicates that Batman will be passing on the Mantle and we might get our first live-action Dick Grayson Batman. Some fans also speculate that we might witness the death of Batman in Titans season 3. The speculation is purely based on the comic book chronology and how passing on the mantle might be a good sendoff for Batman from the Titans show.
This was the complete breakdown of the Titans season 3. For more such news tips and tricks stick around at Gamesadda.