Valorant Alpha Threat Card: How To Claim (2022)

Valorant often introduces exclusive limited-time items for its players. The Valorant Alpha Threat Card is one such item that has been introduced to complement the Omega Earth lore. As per the Omega lore, Alpha Earth agents are a threat. This can be seen on the free player card that players get in Valorant. For players curious to know more about how they can claim the Alpha Threat Card in the game, we have an explanation below.

How To Get The Alpha Threat Card In Valorant?

Prior to the Alpha Threat Card, the game has already released four player cards with DC-style comic art. These were available for a limited time with the Episode 5 release. Players could get the Shadow Walker, War Dogs, Legion, and Friendly Fire during this time. However, the Alpha Threat Card was still missing from the game even though it was slated to complete the pack. While players could get the poster for the comic cover, the card wasn’t available in the game till now.

However, now players can finally get their hands on this card which has Phoenix, Yoru, and Skye on the front. This card will complete the comic book collection. It is quite easy to obtain this card in the game.  All players have to do to get the Alpha Threat Card in Valorant is to log into their account. Once players log into their account, they will automatically get the card without any other action required.

Players can also get the other comic cover cards. However, it will require players to level up their mini battle pass. Players should claim the Alpha Threat Cars quickly as it is only available for a limited time.

That is everything players need to know about claiming the Alpha Threat Card in Valorant. For more Valorant guides, Fix Valorant Freezing Mid-Game.

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