Terra Nil: How To Restore River Valley

Breaking the mold of traditional city builder games, this focuses on the restoration part rather than building a high-functioning human empire. While transforming a barren wasteland into a thriving ecosystem, the game goes through various regions. One of which is River Valley and here is how to restore it in Terra Nil. You will be cleaning oceans, creating river systems, purifying soils, and restoring wildlife in this 2.5D relaxing atmospheric game.

How to Restore River Valley in Terra Nil

You can approach this land in three various ways; Gardener, Ecologist, and Environmental Engineer. Select Gardener if you are looking for a simple relaxing experience. Choose an Ecologist if you wish to restore the balance of the environment and prefer a strategic playthrough. And lastly, go for Environmental Engineer if you aim to rebuild it with sophisticated machines.

Since this is your first mission, you will be guided by the tutorial. So select the category and start your mission. After completing the tutorial, check the handbook placed in the upper left corner. This book mentions three stages of restoration. Follow what the instructions there say and rebuild or keep reading.

Stage 1: Restoration of Water and Plant life

Place some wind turbines to generate power. Then use toxin scrubbers to clean the soil. After that, use irrigators to introduce greenery. And lastly, use water pumps to restore the river system. Keep doing it until your progress circle reaches a hundred percent. See the progress status in the upper left corner.

Stage 2: Increase Diversity to Restore River Valley in Terra Nil

In this stage, you have to increase the region’s biodiversity using fynbos, wetlands, and forests. So use them and create three different biomes in one region. To create fynbos place beehives on the trees, and bees will do your work. Wetlands can be formed by replacing irrigators with hydroponiums. And for the forest, you will have to use controlled fire as trees require an ashy kind of soil. But before using fire make sure you have isolated that piece of land, so other biomes don’t suffer.

Stage 3: Introduce the New Custodian

Here you will mainly focus on recycling tech and restoring wildlife. There are six undiscovered species you need to introduce here. So that life can sustain even without human intervention. Use sonar scans to discover them and then fulfill their needs. Lastly, recycle structures using recycling devices and erase traces of human interference. Fly away leaving no traces of humanity.

Many major civilizations were riverine. Nile, Indus, Huang Ho, Tigris, and Euphrates are prime examples of it. It helped sustain life and the ecosystem for centuries. Thus there is no wonder that we first restore the River Valley in Terra Nil. If you found this guide informative. Are looking for more such interesting articles, then check out GamesAdda.

Mansi Singh: An ambivert who likes to explore the world of tales and thinks about learning something new every day.