Epic Seven is an action-adventure RPG where players face many challenging bosses. For Chapters 4-7 of Episode 3, players will have to face Alencia. This boss fight is quite tough and many players have a lot of trouble with it. To make it a little bit easier, we have highlighted the best method to beat Alencia in Epic Seven.
How To Beat Alencia In Epic Seven?
Alencia is an Earth-Element Warrior who holds dragons in much higher regard than humans. She is the maternal aunt of Luna and Yufine and is generally calm in nature unless provoked. Her zodiac sign is Cancer.
This boss can be a nightmare to beat as the Blue Crystal will penalize players for using non-attack skills and can even sacrifice itself to give the Mind’s Eye. Meanwhile, the Purple Crystal gives 20% chance of a counterattack.
Her basic skill is Eradicate. It has the chance of decreasing defense by 2 turns. Trample is a counterattack that can negate 50% defense while also increasing the skill cooldown in some cases. Her ultimate move is Genesis. This will strip players of all their buffs and inflict unbuffable and unhealable traits on them for 2 turns.
Once Alencia falls below 40% health, it will trigger both her buffs allowing her to follow up Eradicate with Trample at every turn when she is not using Genesis. This can lead to a lot of damage and instakill weaker links. It also disables player’s skills and their ability to stun.
To really overcome Alencia in Epic Seven, players need to out damage her. In addition, players can also get tanks on their team to sustain the heavy amount of damage being dealt out from Trample. Players should also avoid using non-attack skills and aim for Crit hits.
Any strong DPS unit will work well for the Crit hits but we recommend using Challenger Dominiel. Alternatively, players can also opt for Luna or Commander Lorina. Having Riolet will also be an asset due to his permanent evasion. Angelica can be used as the main tank and healer. It can also work to have a defense unit like Seaside Bellona or Fluri.
With these team combinations, players should be able to bring down Alencia in Epic Seven. For more Epic Seven guides, check out How Many Bookmarks You Need To Get For Pity In Epic Seven?