How To Unlock PUBG Deston Secret Room

PUBG Battlegrounds is a very popular battle royale game that has players all over the world. The game recently got a new map and players are excited to uncover all its secrets. The new map in PUBG is called Deston and there are several secret rooms spread across its 8×8 area. However, to unlock a Deston secret room in PUBG, players will need to find its security key first.

There is, of course, a catch here. The secret rooms on the map are not fixed to a specific place. They can be found at different places during different matches. This obviously increases the difficulty for the players. Though there are specific spots where a secret room and its specific security key are likely to spawn. Let us take a look at these below.

How To Find A Security Key To Unlock PUBG Deston Secret Room?

The above map was shared by Redditor u/ErikVNtv on the test server. It highlights all the possible locations for secret rooms and their security keys. Below is a list of all the possible locations where players can find a security key to unlock a secret room in the PUBG Deston map.

  • North of Ten Forts
  • North west of Carpenter’s End
  • Middle of Wind Farm
  • South west of Buxley
  • South west of Turrita
  • South of Barclift
  • North east of Lodge
  • North of Arena
  • South of Arena
  • North west of Cavala
  • South west of Sancarna
  • North of El Koro
  • North of Holston Meadows
  • Multiple locations in Ripton

These are all the locations where players can find a security key in the Deston map. Generally a secret room will be located somewhere near the key. However, players won’t find a secret room in the El Koro, Lodge, and Arena areas of the Deston map in PUBG. Players can also find a lone secret room in Concert.  To access these secret rooms, players will need a drone.

That is everything about PUBG secret rooms in Deston. For more PUBG content, check out Difference Between PUBG Mobile And Lite.

Aanchal Singh: You know that laid back girl who loves video games, reading, and travelling but avoids crowds like the plague? Hi, that's me.